The NYT’s laughable “Investigation” of Joey Fingers – IOTW Report

The NYT’s laughable “Investigation” of Joey Fingers

Patriot Retort:

You gotta hand it to the New York Times.  They will credulously parrot any “unnamed source” who makes any claim against the Trump White House.  But when it comes to Joey Fingers Biden, they go out of their way to be willfully blind.

According to a NYT “investigation,” former Biden staffer Tara Reade’s accusations against the Democrat’s presumptive nominee have no merit.

See, none of Biden’s other staffers corroborated her story that, when she was alone with Biden he attempted to penetrate her with his dirty digits.

Two people alone in a room and none of the other staffers can corroborate it?  Wow.  That’s some bang-up “investigation” you did, New York Times.

You ready for the laughable part?

Despite voluminous video evidence of Joey Fingers nuzzling, fondling, sniffing and manhandling women and girls, the New York Times actually has the temerity to claim there is simply no pattern of sexual misconduct on the part of the handsy old coot. read more

9 Comments on The NYT’s laughable “Investigation” of Joey Fingers

  1. Does anyone buy the NYT ?

    Does anyone read it, even for free ?

    And if they do, for what ?

    All I have to do is watch MSNBC or CNN
    for ten minutes or less,

    and I have all the lies I might need
    for at least two weeks.

  2. So now, thanks to the NYT, whenever anyone brings up any Joe Biden sexual misconduct, he and his supporters will just say “that’s been debunked”.

    Hey NYT, what about all of Joe’s skinny dipping events in front of female Secret Service agents?

  3. So candidate Trump talking in generalities about grabbing women by the pussy is horrible. but Joe Biden actually doing worse than grabbing women by the pussy, well that’s OK.


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