The Obamacare Monkey Trap – IOTW Report

The Obamacare Monkey Trap

Perhaps the most fitting metaphor for where we are right now on Obamacare is to call it monkey trap that leads to the ruin of all those who can’t let go of the prize.  Richard Fernandez uses the concept of a monkey trap to describe the mess the Democrats got themselves into and where the House Republicans may soon find themselves with their reform efforts.


12 Comments on The Obamacare Monkey Trap

  1. I just watched Trump punk the establishment media with something as simple as a 12 year old Schedule A form (you know he did it).
    I can’t believe he is letting Paul Ryan lead him into a legislative quagmire. He must have something up his sleeve that will get the job done, and at the same time slap the democraps and obummer upside their heads.

  2. A banana in one hand
    A dollar in the other…

    She’s a Beauty
    She’s right here behind the glass
    You can say anything you like
    But you can’t touch the merchandise
    She’ll give you every pennies worth
    But it will cost you a dollar first

    Dance the NBC Monkey Dance

  3. Lying’ Ryan and J. Wellington Wimpy have a lot in common.

    I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
    Wimpy: One genuine hamburger for the gentleman. I’m buying.
    Who’s paying?
    Wimpy: I’m buying. He’s paying.

    Ryan will sell us a shit sandwich and tell us it’s a Hamburger. We’ll all pay for it on Tuesday.

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