“The only thing leftists won’t label as racist is racism by leftists” – Derek Hunter – IOTW Report

“The only thing leftists won’t label as racist is racism by leftists” – Derek Hunter


Double Standards Are The Only Standards Liberals Have.

Progressive activists with press credentials across the country rushed to defend Sarah Jeong, the newest leftists to join the New York Times editorial board, when it was discovered that she had a years-long history of tweeting racist comments about white people. (Check them out for yourself, there are dozens, if not hundreds of disgusting, hate-filled thoughts from the newest member of the gang that sets the tone for the “paper of record” that have to be seen to be believed.)

The basic argument from the left is Jeong can’t be a racist because she’s a woman and a minority. Of course, if she had said any of the things she tweeted about blacks or Hispanics and not white people, she’d be condemned because on the progressive sliding scale of victimhood, Asians rate lower than those groups.

This stupidity is called “intersectionality,” which is essentially how the left sets up a hierarchy of victimhood. It sets up an order of who can be victimized and who can’t in any given situation. Straight white men are at the top (or bottom) of the scale and since we’re the worst, you can pretty much do or say anything about or to us.

The whole ridiculous concept, which is basically a way for leftists to absolve themselves of their hatred, is explained and mocked in my book, and is too long to go into here. Just know that leftists advocate that it is impossible to be racist toward white people. It’s dismissed by calling it “reverse racism,” which itself is a stupid term. Racism is racism, a “reverse racist” would be someone who isn’t a racist. But such is the state of the political left – they create terms, bastardize others, and never, ever let anything stand in the way of their ultimate goal of obtaining power.




5 Comments on “The only thing leftists won’t label as racist is racism by leftists” – Derek Hunter

  1. Ya know, it rocks being public enemy number one, a straight white male. Being male is awesome. Being straight means my farts still make a noise and you don’t gotta do gross stuff that can kill you. Being white is just icing on the cake. Vanilla.

    That I piss off those envious of me?

    Yeah baby.

  2. I’ve said this time and time again. How can I be a white supremacist when so many white people are progressives? I’d want too many white people to be eradicated. I’d be the world’s worst white supremacist.

    If all white people were conservatives, and all non-white people were progressives, I would be the staunchest white supremacist this world has ever seen.
    But it’s ideology that matters to me.
    If anyone, irrespective of color, agrees with me, they are great Americans in my eyes.

  3. Ponder something about claims to intersectionality..

    Intersectionality isn’t describing a minority victim the way we’ve been educated by the left. Intersectionality removes someone from a minority. Once again, it’s the exact opposite what the progressives are harping about. If you are a normal black person with no intersectionality claims, you can side with only 13% of people in the US. If you are black (13%), hispanic (16%), and gay (3%), you can side with any one of those groups, or ALL of them simultaneously; 32% is more than 13%, hence you are suddenly less of a minority, and less of a victim. As per “transgender” that have claims to male & female, well, that’s 100% of people in the world, a clear majority.

    Ohh.. I know, the left will say, BUT, ecp! What’s the percentage of Black/Hispanic/Gay people in the US? Well, grasshopper, that’s not a relevant piece of information. Besides, why would you continue down the path of division? Remember how good diversity is?

  4. I browsed the comments on twitter and found this gem from a black dude. I’m sure there are many more but I don’t need to swallow the whole pile of shit to get the essence of it. Here we go:
    So, this all is predicated on the idea that “anti”-White tweets are equal to anti-Black or anti-Asian tweets. The impact of an anti-Black tweet to a Black person is VERY VERY different. It is a faulty analogy.

    I guess I could delve into the psychology that form the underpinnings for the jumbled mess of a mind that produced this thought, but it would (a) waste my time and (b) piss me off. Besides, I have beer to drink (Stone W00t Stout). Damn it’s good. 🙂


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