The Proof the Clinton Foundation is Corrupt is In Plain Sight – IOTW Report

The Proof the Clinton Foundation is Corrupt is In Plain Sight

ZeroHedge: Norway Slashes Clinton Foundation Donations By 87% As Political Clout Dries Up

For months we’ve been told that the Clinton Foundation, and it’s various subsidiaries, were simple, innocent “charitable” organizations, despite the mountain of WikiLeaks evidence to the contrary.  Well, if that is, in fact, true perhaps the Clintons could explain why wealthy foreign governments, like Norway, are suddenly slashing their contributions now that Hillary’s political clout has been erased?

As the Norwegian newspaper Hegnar points out, Norway is expected to slash their contributions to the Clinton Foundation by 87% now that Hillary has lost the presidency.  After contributing roughly $5mm per year to the Clinton Foundation between 2007 – 2013, the Norwegian government decided to boost their donations to ~$15mm and ~$21mm in 2014 and 2015, respectively.  Ironically, that boost in contributions corresponded with Hillary’s decision to run for President in 2016…but we’re sure it’s just a coincidence.  That said, it is fairly interesting that, since Hillary’s loss, Norway has decided to scale back their contributions by 87% in 2017…hmmm.


ht/ Annie

8 Comments on The Proof the Clinton Foundation is Corrupt is In Plain Sight

  1. why, exactly, would “wealthy foreign governments” give money stolen from tax payers, to “charity”, particularly a foreign state controlled charity?

    That in and of itself, is just as corrupt as the Clinton Foundation.

  2. Norway? Norway? What the hell does Norway get out of it?
    US Dept State FactSheet, March 15, 2016
    ” The United States and Norway are two of the eight founding members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a multilateral effort that supports national initiatives to promote transparency, fight corruption, strengthen accountability, and empower citizens.

    Norway takes a keen interest in addressing the problems posed by climate change, including a focus on clean energy technology, expanding access to renewable energy forest protection, and increasing agricultural productivity. The United States and Norway have led the development of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, which supports actions aimed at addressing the public health, food and energy security and climate consequences of short-lived climate pollutants. As the host of the Standing Secretariat of the Arctic Council, Norway is a strong advocate and leader for economic, energy, and environmental cooperation in the Arctic.”

    I feel that something stinks here and it ain’t the fish.

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