The Real Fallout From Nuclear Bombs – IOTW Report

The Real Fallout From Nuclear Bombs

We really frigged up Japan when we dropped the bomb, and I have to say, the resulting mental illness is…  well, very entertaining. But is that a fair trade-off? My laughter?

MJA sent me a link about a Japanese magazine called “Mr. Babe.” It’s made by men who are chubby for men who are chubby. The cover has some English on it, including:

“Good Sizing Cheek” and “Love and Large Stylish Person.”


We discussed a parody. Maybe Anthony Weiner on the cover of Mr. Chubby, a magazine by men with chubbies for men with chubbies.

That’s when we saw a part of the article that we missed – a link to another Japanese magazine called “I Love Everyone! Man’s Nipple.”

No need to create Mr. Chubby. We have this —


I do believe that’s a 3rd nipple on the rib area ^, making this guy Playmate of the Decade. The decision to keep the singular hair was a bold decision that seems to have paid off for him.


Have we sufficiently apologized to Japan?

I must say, though, I am looking forward to some crazy ass Arab magazines in a few decades.

“Everyone Love Sexy Sack of Couscous”



5 Comments on The Real Fallout From Nuclear Bombs

  1. The Japanese are smart and resourceful. They were able to turn their efforts into a real contribution to the world.
    Arabs…. ummm, not so much.
    About all yer gonna be able to do with them is thin the herd. Getting them to be productive members of the planet ain’t gonna happen in this millenium!

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