‘The Squad’ members Omar and Tlaib facing tough primary battles – IOTW Report

‘The Squad’ members Omar and Tlaib facing tough primary battles

“You can be vocal, but the things that were being done — like calling the president a ‘MF’ or booing Hillary — every time something like that happened, I was getting calls from people saying, ‘You’re more professional than this,'” Jones said in a recent interview about Tlaib. 

JTN: Democratic voters will decide the future of Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar next month when they face off against tough primary opponents. The two have become household names as part of the group of four freshman female progressive lawmakers known as “The Squad.”  

Tlaib’s challenger in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District Aug. 4 primary contest is Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones. Tlaib beat Jones in the 2018 primary race for the full-term replacement of the late Rep. John Conyers. read more

10 Comments on ‘The Squad’ members Omar and Tlaib facing tough primary battles

  1. Omar’s opponents needs to get the Imams involved in getting her out now that she is married to the infidel that she was having an affair with when she was married to her previous husband.

  2. Tsquared I think there is some clause in Islam that you can break all the rules as long as you are doing it with the aim to bring the infidel down. Hence the 911 terrorists were posing as businessmen by going to strip clubs and drinking alcohol. You get it? They were drinking that alcohol and oggeling the naked strippers “for Allah” so they died as holly warriors or something.

    I’m sure Omar has told the local Immam that all the hanky-panky was for Allah- hence no fatwahs for her adulterous hijab.

  3. “‘The Squad’ members Omar and Tlaib facing tough primary battles”

    They should be facing tough prison time plus public ridicule.

    Put’em in the public stockades.

  4. Pelopidas, the 911 terrorists that were posing as businessmen going to strip clubs and drinking alcohol did it at night. It was out of the sight of allah. (They believe crap like this).

    I lived in southwest Asia for a few years. I found the followers of islam to be the most corrupt and sadistic people I have ever met.


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