The Standard Bearer For the Left Just May Well Be Insane – IOTW Report

The Standard Bearer For the Left Just May Well Be Insane

You think she overplayed her hand here? This hyperbole is so out of proportion it calls into question a person’s sanity or genuineness.

Is she nuts or is she a joke?

29 Comments on The Standard Bearer For the Left Just May Well Be Insane

  1. Maxine, ” definitive as always?” She used the wrong d-word. Maxine delusional as always. Fixed it for ya.

    If Maxine can’t stand listening to liars. She must had the ability to turn her own hearing off when she says talks.

    The DemonRat party a collection of racist from all races. The party that claims they’re not prejudice because they hate all races equally.

  2. Read over the wk-end, Dems are TOTALLY convinced they’ll take over Congress this November. I pray they are wrong, and daily remind myself to be humble with the future of our country. If Dems gain control, Communism will be the future.

  3. A lot of folks felt this way about Obama, and feel this way about Waters, but the color of their skin prohibits these types of comments. Maxine is actually worse than Obama – she’s also corrupt.

  4. @organgrinder January 15, 2018 at 8:16 am

    > Too bad Ryan doesn’t see that appeasing

    (smh) It’s all one crew. That’s the job description. That’s the oath. Once in a while the contract says you’ve gotta put on different color panties and play fight for the crowd. That’s the job description. That’s the oath.

  5. Man, talk about rabid denial. Maxie, it takes a liar to know a liar and the louder you scream, the more credibility President Trump has.

    Your obvious, screaming attempts to divert attention from the real criminals, obfuscators, and liars, of the democRAT party, have become unhinged tirades.

    Your mouth reminds me of those chatter teeth you could wind up. I think your spring has sprung, because all we hear is chatter.

  6. Hancock Park is truly not her natural habitat. #AsshatTrash belongs in the ghetto it represents, to genuinely experience and remember why it serves them. Corrupt filth like MadMaxine follow the graft, sleaze, and cesspool rules of the swamp.

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