The State of the Cheat – IOTW Report

The State of the Cheat

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In 2020, twenty states used operation AVR [Automatic Voter Registration]. Of those, Trump lost 18.

That’s because there are registration fraud rings, as identified in the Arabella doc. and in the work of Omega4America. This worked well in Michigan, where, according to Captain Seth Keshel, who is one of the leads on this fight, believes that Trump likely got 576,443 more votes than were counted and won Michigan by 8.5%.

Every state is host to a dozen or more NGO’s which do nothing but fill out ballots for the faked registrants. Peter Bernegger’s team in Wisconsin has video of NGO functionaries doing just that in Wisconsin in 2020 at 1 am, early morning after Election Day. More

6 Comments on The State of the Cheat

  1. Oh, I believe Michigan did vote for Trump. No one that I know said they voted for Biden.

    Detroit is Democrat, but even then, it was not 100%. I believe the evil three (Queen Gretch, Nessel (AG), and Benson(SOS)) had a lot to do with the steal. Ballot dumps, dead voting, voting machines taking hundreds of thousands of Trump votes and changing them to Biden, etc.

    My county sheriff worked for years collecting the proof and just two months ago sent it all, along with a letter to Jim Jordan. I’ve heard nothing about it since, but the state citizens and some state government GOP have been making progress. It might not make a difference because Queen Gretch and her two cohorts are trying to pass a law that will ban recounts.

  2. It’s downright terrifying to know that Biden and his nationwide (and foreign) criminal Lackeys have yet to pay for their past treason that drop-kicked Our Country off a cliff, so deep and wide, that We may never recover within Our remaining lifetimes and those of Our children, if at all, as we now stand teetering before yet another election influenced and manipulated by many of the same criminal vermin who operated during the last four years.

  3. Vote, promote and vote some more. The commies are blatant in how they’re doing the steal. Just a reprise of 2020-22. Polls show candidates neck and neck just like last time(s) even though it isn’t reality. The machines plus the stuffing do the work right out in broad daylight. The commies stand there and say ‘whaddaya gonna doaboudit? The repukes mumble into their kerchiefs, the courts turn away again, with a big phony yawn, and media crows about the ‘sanctity of muh democracy’.

    They aren’t even concerned, we didn’t hang ‘em last time, they know we won’t move this time either.


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