The Stupid Candidate – IOTW Report

The Stupid Candidate

To believe FBI Director James Comey’s assertion that Hillary Clinton lacked a sophisticated understanding of how e-mails or classification of information works one would have to conclude that the former first lady is an imbecile.

The Democrat presumptive candidate for president took issue with the FBI assertion that she was “extremely careless” with her e-mails in a recent interview with CNN.

“And as I have said many times, I certainly did not believe that I received or sent any material that was classified.” Which is amazing given that e-mails were found on her server cleared marked “classified.

Commentary on Idiotic Hillary Here

Hillary’s response to being called reckless Here

Classified documents Here

I say good for this country that a complete moron can run for president and actually be nominated by one of the major parties. 


14 Comments on The Stupid Candidate

  1. Forget Trump’s fingers, this hag has a liver-spotted death grip on the narrative. She’s also got a death-grip on a bottle of gin with her other hand. Quick, put the dunce cap on her!

  2. The globalists don’t care who is elected for president of this country — as long as they can be controlled. The dumber, the better. Besides, they have so much criminal dirt on the Clintons and others, they can pull the plug and insert another figurehead at will. Trillions and trillions are on the line. Trump is the sand in their gears.

  3. In Hillary’s defense, email can be tricky. First, you have to give your message to the magic email fairy whose responsibility is not only to deliver it to the intended recipient, but also guard its contents. Then the emails are put into a big box which is supposed to be guarded by a two headed ogre, except sometimes the ogres get tired and hackers can open the box while the ogre is sleeping. Finally, because email fairies and ogres are now unionized government employees, they are fully capable of losing or destroying tens of thousands of emails through no fault of Hillary. And everyone knows the safest place for emails is a big box in your basement or bathroom.

    That’s the story your Democrat Presidential nominee is sticking to, and one that will be believed by millions of her very loyal, yet incredibly dense supporters.

  4. People will vote for the bitch, and her people will create “extra” votes out of nowhere to insure that she gets to take America down to a full dictatorship.

    But as long as some of the on-the-fence democrat voters see that the Trump crowd is not an exclusive private club and that all are welcome to join and defeat that evil bitch, there is still some hope. The problems with Hillary are so obvious that even an idiot can see them.

    But millions of more Trump votes will be needed as a buffer to cancel out the corruption from the leftists. They do indeed cheat, every time.

    Go To HELL Hillary.

  5. “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright fool and narcissistic moron.” – H.L. Mencken

  6. Dumb like a fox.
    She may not understand e-mail, but she certainly knows how to have an Ambassador assassinated, amass Millions of $Dollars from selling out her country, talk moronic shit to her sycophants, blather endlessly without ever saying anything of substance, appeal to moronic imbeciles, fraud the vote, defraud her country, commit Treason with impunity, and Survive as a viable candidate (for 3 election cycles)!
    I’d like to have 3% of her ill-gotten booty … Hell, 1%!
    I’d be a multi-millionaire without having ever done ANYTHING!

    Consider: She has never done an honest day of work in her entire, sordid, hateful life and stands, flush with cash, at the pinnacle of American politics.

    Pretty fuckin impressive.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @ Unruly refugee

    It would be nice if Trump would garner enough votes to overcome demoncratic vote fraud but if he does I’m expecting widespread riots and martial law. The tyrants are not going to go quietly into the night.

    If Hitlery should win, I expect the vote fraud to be at least as blatant and obvious as it has been in the last two presidential elections. If Trump is the man I hope he is, he’ll make a huge stink about the fraud and even the majority of the useless idiots will see Hitlery as an illegitimate hag.

  8. @Vietvet — Yup. Even without the creepy music, all you have to do is ask yourself, “Who does Killery really know or associate with from among the unwashed masses or outside government?”

    (Probably explains her shitty attitude toward real gov’t servants, like the FBI and SS.)

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