The Stupidity Starts – Rob Lowe Tweets TRUTH – Gets Attacked – IOTW Report

The Stupidity Starts – Rob Lowe Tweets TRUTH – Gets Attacked

What did Rob Lowe tweet?

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38 Comments on The Stupidity Starts – Rob Lowe Tweets TRUTH – Gets Attacked

  1. I don’t know what this says about me and democrat Rob Lowe, but I said the exact same when I heard they were closing their borders. Now if we can just put some troops on our own border…

  2. The death toll now stands at 158. European leaders let these barbarian animals into their countries. Drag Angela Merkel to France to see the dead bodies. Those leaders that allowed this need to be drug out into the streets to be flogged til dead. Then every damn last muslim man, woman and child on the face of the earth put to death.


  3. If the French weren’t such pussies they would tell all 5 million plus Muslims.

    Get the fuck out of France by the end of the year of face being shot on sight.

    But that would require a grown up in office.

  4. I wouldn’t be too sure about that. The guy made a sex tape of himself boinking a 16-year-old when he was 24.
    I think maybe his main concern about the border is his vacation home in France. But then, I don’t follow the guy, so maybe I missed the good parts?

  5. So I’ve been seeing the consolations, the ‘we stand united’ stuff that people say online and in press releases and I can’t be so indifferent that I feel no compassion and share their rage.

    However, these European nations felt their social systems to be more enlightened than the American cowboy mentality. These are the nations American leftist hold as examples to emulate. They built the alter of inclusiveness, worshiped at the shrine of diversity and now they are receiving the results on their enlightened superiority.

    I feel the same way towards th attack ( and the future attacks ) they will have to endure as I did towards a co-worker injured on the job. He was a college student working offshore for the summer. I showed him the proper way to tighten flange bolts with a cameron wrench. Some folks call it a cameron wrench, I likes to call it a hammer wrench… um hum. I made a point to him to never stand in front of it and hammer. Essentially the more the bolts tighten the more the hammer bounces. So he assured me he had it down.. condescendingly reminding me that he was a college student. I left him alone to his task.

    I was on the upper deck a few minutes later and he came up the stairs holding his hand with blood pouring through his fingers. Knocked out all four of his front incisors.

    I felt compassion for the guy just like I feel for the French and the other countries that are next But it was a measured compassion. “Dude… I tried to tell you what was going to happen but no, you are a college student, I’m just a dumb Okie… but you know what? I may be dumb but I still have all four of my front teeth and have hammered hundreds of flanges tight.”

    It comes down to these leftists need to pull their heads out of their asses to do one of two things: fight ferociously to keep it from getting kicked or to kiss it goodbye.

    Mourn, lick your wounds and when you can stand up go cowboy on THEIR asses.

  6. Well, I have a much more radical take.
    Sorry if this offends anyone , but, I think 100,000 dead French at the hands of Muslims is something I believe is necessary.
    Maybe 100,000 isn’t even enough for asshole progtards to stop citing the “good Muslims” as if they have any relevance whatsoever in this equation.
    They do not.
    Good Muslims cannot save anyone from the bad Muslims.
    So, something has to be done about MUSLIMS.
    And yes, that might mean good Muslims will suffer.
    OH WELL. Thems the breaks.

    It’s quite alright for SJWs to threaten ALL WHITES despite there being good whites.

  7. There will be another attack in the USA.
    The question is, will it happen within the next fifty weeks?
    If it doesn’t, lets all welcome the first female president of the USA, Hillary Clinton.
    Swallow that, hard, true fact.

    We need another Reagan at this time more than ever.

    “Today we did what we had to do.
    They counted on America to be passive.
    They counted wrong” — Ronald Reagan

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