The thumbs up feature needs to be reset – IOTW Report

The thumbs up feature needs to be reset

This may pain a lot of you, but the thumbs up plugin data needs to be purged. The plugin will still work, but the history log has gotten so big it is causing problems.

It took a lot of effort to try and find the culprit and it is ALWAYS plugins. Always.

Integrating someone else’s work, an unknown developer from an unknown source, into your site does not always go smoothly.

Anyway. Happy thumbing.

31 Comments on The thumbs up feature needs to be reset

  1. The file is so bloated I cannot even retrieve it. I will probably be doing this in the middle of the night tonight.

    All “like” counts will be reset to zero.
    But they will work going forward.
    And it will probably have to be done again in a couple of years, unless I find another “like button” plugin.

  2. LOL. Those pesky Russian Bots. Is there no end to their mischief?

    Thanks @Fur. Tremendous amount of unse b work required to keep a site like IOTW running.

  3. If you introduce the dislike button, that could be used to delete previous like entries, thereby shrinking the size of whatever file you’re working with on a regular basis and increase the amount of time between resets.

    How’s that for a smartass response? LOL.

  4. BFH, Those plugins that cost money are probably better and come with some level of support. Go find the best one for this site and send me the bill.

  5. The costliest plugin can still conflict with other plugins , etc.

    Admin Girl, God rest her soul, HATED plugins and asked me to never install anything at all.
    You can’t have that, but her point is well taken.

    She said every problem a site will ever encounter is going to be a plugin issue.
    She’s been right.

    I’m going to look at the new “thumbs up” products.
    Never saw one for sale.

  6. Bob M. Hope you send your pic in to BFH because I just determined you are one funny, warped sum of a gun, and I want to see if you looked like a smart arse as a little kid.

  7. Am I the only one who lost the edit button? It’s been a couple of days and I flipped back thru a few pgs but don’t see an announcement.
    I have an electrician here doing some work which required shutting down my fuse box & router. I just powered it back up, but c’mon NO electrician has the ability to delete fur’s edit button! 😉


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