The U.S. is the Only Improving Economy in the World Right Now – IOTW Report

The U.S. is the Only Improving Economy in the World Right Now

Breitbart: The United States has a huge advantage in the still-escalating global trade fights: it is the only major economy to score an ‘improving’ score in CNBC’s latest survey of corporate executives.

The U.S. economy is viewed as “improving,” according to the latest quarterly CNBC Global CFO Council survey. China, which had been viewed as improving earlier in the year, was downgraded to just “stable.” The Eurozone, which had been viewed as “improving” for most of last year and in the first quarter of this year, entered its second quarter as merely “stable.”   read more


8 Comments on The U.S. is the Only Improving Economy in the World Right Now

  1. Lately, if I encounter someone who wants to bring up Trump’s “trade wars”, I gently correct them on the use of that term. It’s not a “trade war” for our president to address and correct what our trade partners have been doing to US for the past several decades. And if anyone insists it’s a “war”, then I point out it’s one we didn’t start. I’m especially appalled at any business owner who doesn’t understand this issue.

  2. It looks like we are consuming their economies. Most of us here can remember back in the days prior to mid 1970’s when we had a trade surplus. I specifically remember in the Carter years when for the first time we went to a trade deficit. We had real economists back then and they all claimed our economy would go down the shit tubes. (and they were correct) We have people tell us that an economy where you consume more than you produce is great as long as you have slave labor doing the producing and we can pay for it with paper and ink.

    I could go on forever but IMHO increasing production in America and having Americans consume American made goods and selling to the world is a great deal. Now we will probably never again have a trade surplus but it is damn gratifying to have a president that is starting to bend the curve back up.

  3. @HRod, you are never out of work – cuz you never started. But it is never to late to change your work ethic.
    Now get off your ass and get to Walmart apply to be a greeter, your cramping my style, the energizer bunny has been calling.
    Very little walking is involved, you can wear slip on shoes and lean against walls, but you will have to interact with the deplorables.

  4. Socialism makes everything suck.

    The EU is socialist.
    South America is socialist.
    The Far East (China, Korea, Japan, &c., everything except Singapore) is socialist.
    Central Europe isn’t yet up to speed after (almost) a century of socialism.
    Russia is a Kleptocracy – it retains the corruptions of socialism without the more obvious imbecilities.
    Africa is socialist.

    One of the reasons they hate us – we are still viable – REGARDLESS of the traitorous socialists (nihilistic totalitarians) infesting us.

    izlamo delenda est …


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