The Union’s Bait And Switch on $15 Minimum Wage – IOTW Report

The Union’s Bait And Switch on $15 Minimum Wage

California no sooner imposed a $15.00 an hour minimum wage on itself, then Los Angeles unions went to the city council and asked to be exempted.


Union leaders aren’t just being hypocrites, they are engaging in a blatant effort to grow their ever shrinking ranks.

They plan on going to employers to offer them a choice; hire non-union minimum wage workers at $15.00 an hour or save some money in the short run and allow them to unionize their business.


No labor law good deed goes unexploited by the unions.

8 Comments on The Union’s Bait And Switch on $15 Minimum Wage

  1. No labor law good deed goes unexploited by the unions.

    What the hell is a “labor law good deed”? Sounds like a contradiction in terms to me. All labor laws distort the market, giving an advantage to those who haven’t earned it, and penalizing those who don’t deserve to be.

  2. The Unions are playing The Game: They will push for wage increases (especially in the public sector) since the minimum wage will now increase while asking to exempt themselves from having to pay the new hourly rate.

    Oddly enough, they will win and taxpayers will lose (again).

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