The Uphill Media Battle- ABC Town Hall Masquerades Anti-Trump Activists as ‘Uncommitted’ Voters – IOTW Report

The Uphill Media Battle- ABC Town Hall Masquerades Anti-Trump Activists as ‘Uncommitted’ Voters


Multiple voters characterized by ABC News as undecided—and selected to pepper President Donald Trump with questions during a network town hall—are longtime Trump critics. While the network claimed its Tuesday town hall “provided uncommitted voters the opportunity to ask the president questions about issues affecting Americans,” a Washington Free Beacon review of social media posts found that two of the questioners have long denounced Trump.


10 Comments on The Uphill Media Battle- ABC Town Hall Masquerades Anti-Trump Activists as ‘Uncommitted’ Voters

  1. We all know the Democrat Media Mafia is dishonest.
    The Democrat Media Mafia knows it is dishonest.
    But nothing changes.
    Nobody in the Democrat Media Mafia has ANY intention of changing.

  2. I’m shocked, shocked there’s gambling taking place here.

    Even the REgressives on far left sites I visit hate the media. Now in their warped minds it’s because the media doesn’t press our side hard enough & kowtows to Republicans.

    I know, what are ya gonna do?

  3. Why would anyone expect anything wouldn’t be rigged on the ABS Network? George Stephanopoulos’ wife is on record saying she cried uncontrollably for twenty-five minutes with her two daughters and husband in their car when she learned that Ginsburg had died. They are both committed Leftist. Why bother trying to appease these Trump haters?

  4. 1950 liars in The Press put out FAKE NEWS.
    2020 liars in the MSM PUT OUT fake news.

    SEE – its a lot different 70 years later – we do not call liars THE PRESS, we call liars LSM! VIVA LA DIFF!

  5. … because no one has shown the decency to get him a booster seat so he can interact with adults.

    Oh, plus he’s a worthless lying POS, there’s that too.

  6. On a side note about Little Georgie, his WIFE, in an interview, said that, HE, her and children CRIED for 45 minutes when they found out RBG died. In a car in a parking lot…

    Very very sick.


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