There’s an American flag on the moon tonight – IOTW Report

There’s an American flag on the moon tonight

Sent in by ChiGuy

The part of this song that sticks out most to me is “put your money on the NY Mets.” They went on to, improbably, win The World Series that year.

“American Moon”
From “Heart’s Delight Follies ’69”
One small step for a man
One giant leap for mankind.
There’s an American flag on the moon tonight
Flying red and blue and white.
There’s an American flag waving on the moon
Waving on the moon tonight.
There’s an American flag can’t you see
Sitting on the Sea of Tranquility.
There’s an American flag waving on the moon
Waving on the moon tonight.
I’m not a bit neurotic, not a bit psychotic
Oh, no, no, I’m only patriotic.
Glorioski, what a kick,
I’m a luna, I’m a luna, I’m a lunatic.
It’s an American moon, if you please
Refer to it now as American cheese.
Stars and stripes light up the Milky Way.
Apollo 11 delivered our heavenly right to say
The man in the moon is a citizen of the U.S.A.
Stand up and brag
For your grand old flag
Waving on the moon tonight
Waving on the moon tonight.
Who’s on first?
Who’s on third?
Who, who, who had the very last word?
Made the moon what comes next?
Put your money on the New York Mets?
Girl united all moon lighted ((??))
Aren’t you proud to say… hey!
There’s an American flag on the moon tonight
Flying red and blue and white.
An American flag waving on the moon
Waving on the moon tonight. (You bet!)
There’s an American flag can’t you see
Sitting on the Sea of Tranquility.
An American flag waving on the moon
Waving on the moon tonight.
I’m not a bit neurotic, not a bit psychotic
Oh, no, no, I’m only patriotic.
Glorioski, what a kick,
I’m a luna, I’m a luna, I’m a lunatic.
It’s an American moon, if you please
Refer to it now as American cheese.
Stars and stripes light up the Milky Way.
Apollo 11 delivered our heavenly right to say
The man in the moon is a citizen of the U.S.A.
Stand up and brag
For your grand old flag (c’mon girls!)
Waving on the moon tonight
Waving on the moon tonight.
Apollo 1-2-3
Apollo 4-5-6
Apollo 7-8-9
Apollo 10-11-12
Apollo 13-14-15
Apollo 16-17-18
Apollo 1969

16 Comments on There’s an American flag on the moon tonight

  1. Very good question, Bob.

    My guess is, the “seeable” Universe is 14-Billion l.y.old. So, in another billion years, we will be able to see 7.5 light years deep in space from earth; and, the actual, estimated size is 92-billion l.y.wide. Or, they had bigger telescopes back in the sixties, which could see deeper in space; or, it is one big hologram built by A.I. and self-cloning cyborgs built by now-extinct ancient aliens; or, it just goes on and on. Or, it is racist and needs to be impeached because of interstellar collusion with the Russians.

    Any astrophysicists around who can answer this?

  2. Published on Jul 18, 2019
    50 years after the first Moon landing, humanity is getting ready to go back. Countries and companies are planning dozens of lunar missions—for research, for resources and even for tourism, which begs the question: who, if anyone, owns the Moon?

    Who owns this? Is it America — the country that planted a flag on it?

    Today many believe the Moon could be the next frontier for tourism, space exploration or even the mining of precious natural resources. Which means this question might be about to become a lot more important.

    In 1969 an estimated 650m people watched as Neil Armstrong took his first step on the surface of the Moon. Five more landings followed. And then for almost 50 years no humans went back. That is about to change.

    There are dozens of lunar missions planned over the next 20 years and some will carry crews. The first to land could be in 2024 when NASA hopes to send a crew to the lunar south pole — where it’s believed water may be frozen in craters. That crew may well include the first woman to land on the Moon.

    Just how much of a mess won’t be known until the first crater is mined or the first hotel is built. And it may be many moons until the question of who owns the Moon is finally resolved.
    — The Economist .

  3. @BFH – one of my earliest memories is, when living in the Projects in the Bronx in ’69, looking up into the sky and seeing, ‘NY METS WORLD CHAMPS’ skywriting.


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