There’s more to Kamala’s new ‘border wall’ flip-flop than meets the eye – IOTW Report

 There’s more to Kamala’s new ‘border wall’ flip-flop than meets the eye


Kamala has flip-flopped yet again. This time, the pathetic, failed border czar—who’s watched as the country is overrun by illegals—now claims she wants to build a border wall. And if you believe that, we’ve got “81 million” legal mail-in ballots to sell you. This story is the kind of political fairytale designed to fool those who think Kamala is “too radical.” But the reality is, she is too radical, and despite her latest claims, she’ll never build a border wall—and everyone knows it. Yet that doesn’t stop our pathetic media from trying to paint Kamala as a “moderate” who’s in touch with the American people.


If she’s elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called “un-American” during the Trump administration. more

12 Comments on  There’s more to Kamala’s new ‘border wall’ flip-flop than meets the eye

  1. Just like the whole democRAT party, she is simply telling us the exact opposite of what the party operatives intend to do. She is deliberately and actively hiding the real agenda and the party has pushed the Balls To The Wall on the Propaganda bomber to “Emergency War Deceipt”.

  2. Screw Axios and their insulting, insipid “Why it matters” construction. Save that shit for fourth graders reading woke textbooks. If I were a reporter, or even a lowly journo, I’d refuse to put that Happy Meal phrase in my work. Obviously, the craven children passing for writers need to slavishly adhere to the stultifying stylebook to get published. The dolts should be ashamed, and if they don’t know why it matters, I can’t help them.

  3. People attend to Axios? As though it were a source of legitimate information? Really? How odd, one would think an evaluation of verisimilitude over time would preclude such nonsense. Well, when Kamala gets out there and lays her hands on a stiff piece of rail, brings it erect and finishes it off, call me, I’d like to see pictures.

  4. The a-hole running for the senate against Lake here in Arizona has suddenly decided we need a safer border , after supporting pedo joe’s border fiasco the last 3 1/2 years. If he gets in , he will go back to open borders.

  5. Now that the Dems feel they have enough illegals in the country to sway the vote their way, they’re going to finish the wall so that no one can escape once everything goes sporky.

  6. @richard

    On that: someone brought up an interesting theory some time back. It stated that the true result of the 2020 election would be revealed and Trump would be declared the true winner. He would then finish out the last few weeks of Biden’s term, but make him ineligible to run again in 2024 due to term limits, since he was declared the winner ex post facto.

    Now wouldn’t that just drop a road flare in the powder keg…


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