There’s No There There in Regards To Trump Russian Connection – IOTW Report

There’s No There There in Regards To Trump Russian Connection

Despite Maxine Pad Waters bleating incessantly that the Trump administration is a bunch of scumbags who utilized the Russians to defeat Hillary, the Chairman of the House Intelligence committee says that there is “nothing there.”


California Rep. Devin Nunes also said during a press gaggle on Capitol Hill that he’s been told by federal officials that “there’s nothing there” regarding allegations that Trump campaign advisers made improper contacts with Russian agents prior to the election.

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Maybe they will uncover some nefarious plot, but for now, the hopes and fevered dreams of the salivating dems seems to be a dead end.

MoveOn dot org, people, MoveOn dot org.

9 Comments on There’s No There There in Regards To Trump Russian Connection

  1. They’ve branched out. Now it’s Breitbart in cahoots with Russia. And Putin killed Andrew Breitbart. Or something. Louise Mensch, formerly of Heat Street, has the tinfoil hat if you want to try it on.

  2. OK there is no Russian connection to the 2016 election. So why do the networks, including FOX, keep mentioning “controversial Russian connection”? That’s Fake News at it’s best.

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