These Mayors Should Be Ousted Out of Office On Principle – IOTW Report

These Mayors Should Be Ousted Out of Office On Principle

Check out the date for their little Muslim soiree. Via Moonbattery

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23 Comments on These Mayors Should Be Ousted Out of Office On Principle

  1. Actually, 9/11 is a very revered date in Islamic history which is probably why they chose this date to celebrate their “whatever”.

    On 11 Sept 1683, Polish King Jan Sobieski III began his battle against the Islamic horde and defeated them at the battle of Vienna. This is why Muslims “act out” on Sept 11. It is “pushback” for having gotten their @sses waxed by the Christians some 350 years ago.

    Western Civilization owes its existence to Poland. History says so.

  2. Not anonymous by intent. I thought WP would provide details automatically. However, my site security needs to get tweaked to allow some of the stuff on IOTWR. Locked down a bit too much it seems.

  3. yep that’s why the entire military had to celebrate July 4th, on June 4th, so it wouldn’t offend anybody but Christians, Jews, Atheists, and pretty much all Americans.
    because ‘BAMA

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