They say his victim used the N-word, so, I guess that means he has a free pass at attempted murder – IOTW Report

They say his victim used the N-word, so, I guess that means he has a free pass at attempted murder

The NYPD is looking for the guy, but the court of public opinion on Twitter seems to think, “hey, he got what was coming to him.”

What a world.

22 Comments on They say his victim used the N-word, so, I guess that means he has a free pass at attempted murder

  1. I just don’t get it. Urban life is insane. I’ve lived in titmouse Arizona too long. No one is agro out here…well, only a few. No one wears masks, there’s no Karens.

    I look at that clip and it doesn’t surprise me. Humans aren’t supposed to live like that. The urban environment is toxic and illusory.

    I just don’t get how people can spend their entire lives in it.

  2. They ALWAYS claim that after they get caught beating or killing a white person. Always. If I’m ever set upon by black thugs, and there’s no way out of a beating or death, I will be throwing the slur like confetti, because I know they’ll be claiming I did anyway,

  3. Ok I’m confused. Twatmobs are saying he has it coming to him?
    I thought we’re all up in arms about White on Asian assaults? Oooooh, that was LAST week. I can’t keep, my white privilege has invaded my brain.

    Seriously, there’s no place in civil society for animalistic rage. We’re told prison population is a result of systemic racism and disparate impact.


  4. I was flipping channels Saturday night and the NAACP Image Awards were on 10 DIFFERENT FUCKING CHANNELS!
    Perhaps next year it will be mandatory for ALL channels?

    It’s going to take a hell of a lot more bullshit P.R. to rehab the image of black assholes in this country.

  5. If you choose to live among them, every time you go out, you’re spinning a chamber with a couple bullets in it and putting it to your head.

    You’re not going to keep pulling the trigger on an empty chamber forever.

    There’s enough crazy shit out there. Why take on easily avoidable risks?

  6. BTW, did you notice how all those other long suffering victims of systemic racism in the car were condemning this apalling act of anti-Asian American bigotry

    Neither did I

  7. Rage against the machine.
    Any excuse will suffice.

    Does a guy saying “booger” really justify his being beaten to death?
    I’m not offended by much – but when the time comes, anything will be enough.

    During the Congo “War of Independence” the “soft-haired” negroes killed the “wire-haired” negroes with impunity – as did the “wire-haired” negroes who killed the “soft-haired” negroes.

    We’re well along this path.

    “… and God hardened their hearts …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The word for ‘you’ in Korean sounds just like ‘nigga’. Blacks will have an excuse to beat every Korean if saying the enword justifies a beating.

  9. Absolutely he did. Everything about race, and building resentment like a huge monument in granite.

    We had to endure EIGHT (8) years of a fake and incapable idiot as Pretend Preznit in order to purge our sins and reach a Utopian post-racial America.

    OK. And Mooch absolutely was the most glamorous ‘woman’ to ever be FLOTUS. Keep shoveling that shit and bury the best country the world had ever seen.

  10. Don’t care what he said. There are other ways to solve dispute than acting like barbarians and beat up someone who happened to be smaller and weaker than you.
    That’s 7th century mentality.
    That animal should be removed from the streets.


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