“Things to Make White People Uncomfortable” – IOTW Report

“Things to Make White People Uncomfortable”


Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett is writing a book called “Things to Make White People Uncomfortable” his co-author said Monday.

Dave Zirin, sports editor for the progressive magazine The Nation, announced the project on Twitter.

Zirin said he’s the co-author, and that the book will be released in 2018 by Haymarket Books.

He said Bennett describes the book as about: “the NFL, racism, intersectionality, and athletes being no longer silenced.”

The title – Michael’s creation – is meant to be satirical and biting. But if it actually makes one uncomfortable, they should read the book!

Publishers Weekly announced the project Friday in a round-up of new book deals. Zirin also tweeted about the book: “Can already say that Michael Bennett is one of the most hilarious humans I’ve ever met. Bill Hicks in shoulder pads. People will feel that.”


So, is the white co-writer uncomfortable with his own book, or is he choosing to deny his whiteness just for the endorphin rush of making others uncomfortable?

I think a black co-writer of a book by a white guy called, “Things that make black people uncomfortable,” would induce the “Uncle Tom” epithet towards the black guy.

What do we call Zirin?

I researched the Bill Hicks-like hilarity of Michael Bennett –


Not seeing the funny. His brother Martellus seems to be more intelligent and interesting.

52 Comments on “Things to Make White People Uncomfortable”

  1. Things to make black boys uncomfortable:

    Racking my mossberg defender.
    Jacking the slide to load my 1911.
    2 rounds to the chest and one in the head on the ground and “halt!”

    “Yo EBT be FROZE”!!!!!!!

    A 24 hour rerun of blazing saddles.

  2. I only get nervous when they come up behind me in packs like wolves.

    but any “race” doing that would have the same effect.

    I don’t like crowds of any color, too many nut jobs walking the streets.

  3. 500 black “teens” marauding through a BART train beating and looting but BART keeping silent so as not to support a stereotype of blacks beating and looting law abiding, industrious whites.

  4. Racism against whitey, flooding the country with illegals and musloids, dissecting babies and selling the parts, Marxism, criminal politicians; all that is everyday funny isn’t it.

    This is why we got Donald Trump.

    The Saxon has begun to hate back.

  5. When I moved to Redondo Beach in 1998 I didn’t realize Hawthorne Mall, which had a Nordstrom, was frequented mostly by blacks. I went to see the movie Halloween H20 and walked alone into an all black packed theatre. LL Cool J was in the movie and about half way into it they were all screaming ‘Kill the white B*tch’ or ‘No not LL Cool J, get the white C*nt’. Yeah, that was pretty uncomfortable. I never went back to that mall again.

  6. It has been proven in Pro football over the years that paying many of these athletes millions of dollars does nothing to raise their IQ, but increases their sense of their own brain power …………..sometimes to their own demise.

  7. On a one on one confrontation they shrink back. But catch you alone in the wrong area and they are traveling in packs, you better beware. No different than animals.

  8. To be fair, I *do* laugh
    when I see blacks
    laying dead on the streets of a ghetto…
    …I bet HE finds that hilarious, too, right?!?

    Shoe. Meet. Other. Foot.

  9. The interview was all fluff, but the love of the brothers is undeniable. By this interview alone (I know nothing more) they appear to be level headed, stand-up guys. If they hadn’t succeeded in sports, I would think they would succeed elsewhere.

  10. I think a black co-writer of a book by a white guy called, “Things that make black people uncomfortable,” would induce the “Uncle Tom” epithet towards the black guy.

    What do we call Zirin?

    We call him a shawnking.

  11. Some blacks are so obsessed with white skin, I think underneath all the whining and bitching is a desire to be white. Why don’t you try being grateful for all your blessings, like not being in a hut in Africa.

  12. The things that make ME uncomfortable are the same things that make my friends (no matter what their skin color) uncomfortable and that’s:
    Tight clothes
    Stupid people
    Communists out to destroy America!

  13. This whole premise proves that envy & jealousy is the root of all racist feelings blacks have for whites.

    If they want to makes whites “uncomfortable?”
    What kind of bullshit idea.

    Seriously, slavery is not the issue, neither is discrimination.
    It is pure envy and jealousy.

  14. Things that make black people nervous: Books! Who does this idiot think will buy his book, black people? The majority of whom have limited reading ability, even if they do stay in school?

  15. An (unintended?) consequence of LBJ war on poverty was the destruction of black families. With rampant illegitimacy comes inbreeding. How often does a young black man hook up with a young black woman not realizing they have the same father, or share at least one grandfather? With 20% of the playas impregnating 80% of the baby-mommas, there’s been a lot of that already going on.

  16. RAAAAAAACISM! –no white person would be allowed to write a similar book.

    I’m going to protest every store that carries this book until it is removed! Who’s with me!


  17. “Things that Black People uncomfortable:”
    A Job.

    Anywayyyyy, this book will probably fall flat on its face at which point the authors will toss the race card screaming that Whitey didn’t buy the book because RACISSSSSSSSM and that the only reason that the black population didn’t buy them up is that the blacks that can read, have a job and are working their way up don’t have the time for crap and the others are busy doing drugs, each other and crime. Hell, I shouldn’t be too hard on the idea. Maybe the book will be funny but you can bet it will be filled with racist bs aimed at whites who had nothing to do with either slavery or the jungle warfare happening in the urban areas of America’s largest cities.

  18. The Seattle Mariners dumping their catcher for making a conservative Tweet one season saying the “Mariners aren’t political” while posting their logo with the rainbow flag the next season really pisses off white and other right minded people.

    The Seattle NBA team fund raising for PP, and some of the crap the Seahawks do.

    That’s OK. It is white middle class people that keep your teams afloat. If you want to piss off your base then go right ahead.

  19. CaucEnvy – Envious of everything Caucasian.

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