This Black Generation Has Jumped the Shark – IOTW Report

This Black Generation Has Jumped the Shark

Gorgeouss Kiaa via Twitter

A photo surfaced on Twitter Thursday that shows a Black man being forced at gunpoint to perform oral sex on a group of young Black men in an alley.

A smiling young Black woman is seen in the foreground of the photo in selfie position.

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37 Comments on This Black Generation Has Jumped the Shark

  1. I live in a 60% black community. From my life’s experience, most whites are decent while a small percentage are vile scum. With blacks it’s the opposite. And most black men are bisexual which is why there is no stigma among the males in the pic about having a male perform fellatio on them.

  2. They must be replicating the photo of Obama ingesting Iranian mullah protein on msnbc. All BS aside….these fucking animals need to be encouraged in their efforts to commit cultural genocide.

  3. Remember the crack babies? Well this is whacha get. A few generations of drag-addled, un-motivated, talentless worthlessness where only God knows who daddy is (except that odds are he’s probably the uncle) have reduced them to wild, feral animals that the over-taxed payer has to support!!

  4. *That*, friends, is the problem: the conga line is getting longer, the crimes more vicious, and the targets are the most vulnerable, older, disabled.

    In America, it has never been this bad before.

    In small town America, I just encountered two, with a third on the way, black “boys” and my heart pounded. We made eye contact. Nothing happened.

    They knew I was stressed.

    Later, I felt guilty: were they on their way to a shared homework gig…?

    I don’t want to be victim of a sudden “polar bear” attack.

    Two weeks ago, I began to carry, once more.

    The trick, of course, is to keep your neck on a swivel. This is sad and I am sorry for the innocents I may fear, wrongfully, but… too many of ’em want to smash my head, just for the fun.

    ….Lady in Red

  5. I ran into three a couple weeks back and my community is so white it hurts your eyes. And two of them were definitively looking for trouble. I’m big enough they backed up. My size wasn’t what they should have been concerned with though. It was Mr. P226 under my baggy shirt.
    By the way their bone of contention was that I was walking in their path and would not move. Fuck them.

  6. Unfortunately, you can’t carry a firearm in Canada (you can own and shoot them, just can carry)…knives, pepper spray, asps, etc are OK…as long as you have a “non-self-defence” reason for carrying (yes I’m serious)…great stories of guys who carry baseball bats, along with gloves and balls in their vehicles…as long as you have the rest of the gear you need, you were on your way to play baseball when things went “pear-shaped” and you happened to have a bat available to defend yourself.

  7. If you look like prey, you’ll be prey.

    Friday, I was leaving the parking lot of a business I frequent. Three young lads of the same persuasion sauntered by my car, and one of them said, “How ’bout you sell me that sweet ride for fifty dollars!”

    I squared up, faced them with the door between them and me, my hand inches from my concealed carry. I looked at all three of them, and they were making eye-contact with me, but not one another. Their hands were in plain sight. They were all three laughing, acting silly, and still moving on past. I smiled and said, “It’s my wife’s car. You don’t wanna see me on foot with her right behind me, do you?” We all three laughed.

    Every situation is unique, and every one is fluid and dynamic. Maybe if I’d reacted like a victim, one of them might’ve had an urge to do something. Violence like we see every day is often spontaneous, random and largely unplanned. While you and I cannot control every aspect of an encounter, we can certainly control what we do, how we look and the way we react.

    Read about the OODA loop. That’s basically what these encounters require. John “30-second” Boyd revolutionized aerial warfare with this concept.

  8. This transgenderification has these yutes all kinds of screwed up. On to bright side, these animals are too stupid to realize they just informed on themselves by posting selfies to social media.

  9. LIR, or any lady interested. There’s a couple new holster companies that are specializing in well engineered carry solutions for women. Turns out women’s curves are in different spots than men. If any ladies are interested let me know and I’ll post these guys web addresses. Your purse is not an option.

  10. @Brian in BC, how about a quick starting chainsaw? I’ve seen belt hooks for them. Swing that roaring bastard in a crowd of thugs! lol.
    Oops. Your honor, I lost my balance when I tripped on the pull rope.

    (the reply button disappears after four rows, it seems)

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