This commercial is still running on the Tee Vee – IOTW Report

This commercial is still running on the Tee Vee

This ahole’s ad is still running on television.

He calls for impeachment and doesn’t list one verifiable impeachable charge.

The ad is slander. He says Trump “obstructed justice.”

When? Where?

Trump’s taken money from foreign governments??

Which ones? When?

This idiot should be sued.

ht/ refuse/resist

11 Comments on This commercial is still running on the Tee Vee

  1. Why do they keep confusing our leaders with theirs? The Left is batcrap crazy, and I really mean that. Accusing Trump of the things that we KNOW Hillary did.

    I think Democrats are drinking some funny, tainted water (EPA certified), or something.

  2. One day I signed up for his NextGen climate change crap, just to monitor what they were up to.
    It was during the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin days. When I signed up I must have been into my cups, as I signed up as PoopyPants Zimmerman.

    It always shocked and amused me to get emails.
    Dear PoopyPants….

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