You see this guy —–> He will be a better president than either this crunt——>
or this crazy cranky, bastard.——>
See this guy———-> He would also make a better president than the crunt or the crank.
Cruz and Trump both want to be the nominee. There is a lot at stake. They will from time to time misstep in their zeal. We cover the missteps, but we don’t cover them in a fatalistic fashion, declaring one or the other candidate “DEAD TO ME!”
When I hear someone say, “what did Trump say or do to Cruz? That’s it, I’m staying home rather than vote for him if he’s the nominee,” I know it’s time for an intervention.
You’re all going nuts.
If Trump ratfucks Cruz out of the nomination I am voting for Trump. If Cruz takes out a baton and Nancy Kerrigans Trump in the shin, I am voting for Cruz.
You’re all losing your minds.
“Cruz got a loan from Goldman Sachs, his wife works there. He wants to up work visas.”
Well, that’s it then. I’m staying home. I want Cruz to feel my Bern.
“Trump said 17 years ago that he wouldn’t support a ban on partial birth abortion. He said he would now, but, you know, flip flop, NY values. I’m staying home and not voting.”
Good strategy. I hope you’re looking forward to cackles and cankles for the next 4 years.
I am not going to participate in this massive shooting of our collective dick.
The polls show that Trump and/or Cruz fair favorably against Clinton and Sanders.
Either one is our best choice. EITHER ONE.
So, iOTWreport will not be a vehicle for attacking either one of these candidates.
I get spammed all day long from tipsters with dozens and dozens of anti-Cruz stories. I don’t post them. It’s unproductive at this point.
I get dozens and dozens of anti-Trump tips. I don’t post them. Why should I?
We will cover unavoidable stories dealing with Trump and Cruz, but there will be no more overt negative electioneering for either candidate, either in posts (that includes the Bullpen) or in the comments.
If I felt the debate could be simply spirited I would do nothing.
I’m seeing some real divides and chasms developing, and that is just plain stupid.
You guys better get your minds right, you’re being played by the GOPe and the left.
Let Cruz and Trump duke it out. I highly suggest that you be prepared to vote for either candidate that emerges on top no matter how they get there.
I have no idea how anyone can get so twisted in the mind about this Trump/Cruz fighting that you can ignore what is waiting in the wings – pure evil.
I highly suggest that you be prepared to vote for anyone but Hillary or Sanders.
thank you. Was sensing that also. I, of course, was above it all. . .
Bu … bu … bu … oh, pooh!
You’re right on target. Me, I’ll even vote for yeb if I have to; won’t like it, but I don’t want to see any more of what we’ve been getting the last 8 years.
Born outside the US
Always thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room
Career Politician
Annoying expressions
Really punchable face
Yeah, it’s CRUZ
100% agree. Staying home on Election Day makes you no better then GOP establishment. Plus Kasich and Bush are still fair game!
Yes, we get it. Some people think Trump is better than Cruz and vise versa.
Fighting with each other to the point where people are getting so bitter about it they are turning on the other candidate is insanity.
Calm down, people.
The left is loving this.
I am not.
I completely agree. I stopped reading the other thread early on, just pointless and frustrating. I hope Trump and Cruz come to that conclusion too, but they are still my candidates of choice.
Here’s my simplistic analogy.
It’s like the all-star game.
Suddenly, at the all-star game, I’m cheering for the guy from that other team that I normally hate all year long.
When he’s at the plate, a hit away from beating the Progressive League, I’m pulling for him.
Thanks BFH.we needed that.We are tired.Politics are Down right dirty.
They are now playing hard ball let’s leave it to them.It will blow over in a few minutes.I like that we commentators get along.It’s why I come here.
I live in the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts where it is against the law to be employed while being white. Romney was the first time since I’ve been eligible to vote that I didn’t take opportunity to enjoy the luxury of a protest vote during the general election only because the sucker made me I believe he may actually win the state. Despite all that, this may be the second time I actually pull for an R in the general. I have my preference yet I will still gladly pull that R.
I’ve said repeatedly I would vote for Cruz should Trump lose. Today I see Mr Unicorn say he and millions more would sit it out.
Gee, where have I heard that before?
Now if it’s Jeb! or Rubio, fuck, I’ve got some real soul searching to do.
Aren’t we on the Right “blessed” to have such a “problem” as to have to decide between these two?!?
(notwithstanding any utterly disgusting-but-factual revelations forthcoming)
Thank you boss you won’t here a Trump word a Cruz word or a cuss word out of Magnum until Cruz is President. ?
We cannot afford 4 to 8 years of socialist rule, it wiil take at least that long undue the damage Obama and his RINO pals have caused. Trump needs to cool it down and team up with Cruz.
NO! Please!
Voting for !Jeb! would be the same as for Hillary.
WRITE IN either Trump or Cruz…your choice.
Now you’re getting crazy! 😉
I would love for the opportunity to vote Trump, Cruz, or even Rubio for that matter. If, however, the Rinos decide to run Jeb!, I won’t sit at home and not vote, I’ll vote for Hillary, or even Bernie because the GOP asked for it.
Yes, I said as much the other day. The only way I will sit it out is if Jeb is anointed, because I don’t know one person who supports the guy.
It would mean we do not have the kind of country we’re supposed to have. It would be the end of this country for me.
I would sit out everything, including paying taxes.
I would go full Barndhardt at that point.
Just for the record, I am one of the many Bible-only fundamentalists who was accused of staying home and handing Obama his second term because Romney is a LDS. We still take heat for that in some circles.
However, as anecdotal as this will be it may interest you to know that I can count on one hand the number of people I personally know or have read who said they refused to vote for a Mormon because he is a Mormon. From what I could gather over the intervening years, those people were not “like me,” at least not in my estimation. I’ll say no more about them but of all the people who I personally know ARE “like me,” not one stayed home. Not one refused to vote for the Mormon.
We all know the stakes are even higher this time. Even some LIVs seem to have picked up on it. With the abusive precedents set by Aboma (short for abomination), it’s fast approaching Winner Take All time and lots of people realize it. They’re more scared now than at any time in living memory; the national breaking point we’ve all been talking about for years is within sight. SOMETHING is going to give, one way or the other, and soon. The nation cannot go on like this. So win or lose (and with Republicans it’s 50/50 that it’ll be lose even if we “win”), WE ARE VOTING. Cruz or Trump, we’re voting. I have yet to meet a “like me” who won’t.
Just want that out there in case Hillary pulls it out, which I fully expect to happen. How? I don’t know. But I’m convinced it will. I no longer put anything beyond the will and the capacity of the Left. If I turn out to be wrong, I’ll welcome each and every one of you scolding me for it. If I’m right, it won’t matter.
Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump is the best and only shot.
There’s too many people getting some sort of emotional attachment to “their” candidates. That can’t happen. We need the best person for the job.
My guy is Cruz but I’m enjoying Trump and would vote for him if he gets the nomination, so I’m ignoring all the anti-stuff targeting both candidates. I will NOT vote for Jeb! to the point that I e-mailed Trump’s campaign back when he was being forced to say he wouldn’t run as a third party to ask him to PLEASE run as a third party if Jeb! was the nominee.
I am really hoping Cruz or Trump can turn this country around. The others I don’t have much confidence in.
I’ve been saying this from Day One. Trump no doubt could use a few classes at charm school, but at least he’d be a strong, decisive leader who would make rebuilding our economy a top priority. Do you really want Hillary, lying, incompetent bitch that she is, as your next commander-in-chief?
If it’s Bush vs. Clinton, I will write in Big Fur Hat.
The left cheats. That’s the only way they can win. And they are very, very good at cheating. Witnessed it myself in Ohio in 2012. I still do not believe Abamo won Ohio fair and square. The election was stolen, using illegal immigrants.
Let’s be fair here!
You forgot REPUBLICAN, Pogo Mochello Allen-Reese (Texas), who explains on his web-site, “Why I Cycled from Louisiana?”
And DEMOCRAT, Edie Bukewihge (California), who says on her web-site (in a run-on sentence): “All Red-White-&-Blue Flags of the United States are historical to all of us, those that take part in heirship (thru blood relations prior to and about) within the 13 colonies that started our history of our pride of ownership and culture within the 50 states of this country, which includes the descendants of slaves and those native to this land that did not migrate to rape and pillage from other countries.”
But……9/1! !
If you can’t stop the commie, at least throw a speed bump in the road.
Trump Cruz Cruz Trump Crump Truz whatever the f*** ever.
Damn skippy…
See – there IS something most of us can rally around!
There is more overlap between their positions than any other two running (or even among those like Allen West who should be running).
They are the closest thing to natural Allies out there, and their strengths/ weaknesses compliment each other.
I don’t think anything said to date is irreconcilable. I think Trump is the stronger candidate while Cruz is the stronger Constitutional parliamentarian. Trump can sell the message, Cruz can get ‘er done. This is the most obvious P/VP ticket I’ve seen, if only THEY will see it.
Good one Fur!
I think this country needs a big mouth, nose thumbing, in your face, tells it like it is kind of candidate along with a soft-spoken, to the point Constutionlist to be our next President & Vice President.
IMO they compliment each other and would benefit this country greatly.
Thanks very much; I’m already sick of the infighting and we have months to go. I will vote for either candidate
I won’t have any part of the Trump or Cruz bashing. I will vote for the one who looks like they can get enough votes to save us from the ones who are ready to put the knife in the heart of America. And you can count on massive cheating from the democrats in the polls. They will have ten ballots for every illegal immigrant and their family members across the border.
Anybody who expects a perfect candidate who does no wrong had better try a different planet. We win this one or we lose America. Time to get serious.
All of this talking about best person for the job, yadayadayada.
Why do you think it matters?
The democrat will win. It’s supposed to be Hillary, but the fix is in, people. Like it or not. it was in the last two elections and they’ve got their behind the scenes machines all wrapped up.
Inner city nigras voting multiple times; dead people on the rolls; fixed voting machines. We all know it. Nothing was done about it the last two times and nothing will be done about it now.
Are we allowed to argue the point elsewhere or not at all anywhere?
Agree. More than willing to be wrong, though.
Jeez, I take a week off and I come back and the IOTW’ers are going full retard on each other.
And some of you (you know who you are) are even telling a female IOTW’er to “GO F?CK YOURSELF”?
This site used to be known for the wit in the comments section! This is about as “witty” as a BLM blog at this point.
Wake up, folks. We have an embarrassment of riches in Trump AND Cruz. As BFH sagely states, either is several orders of magnitude better than battshit-crazy Frau Cankles and/or the Depends-wearing spittle-flecking “Vermont” Socialist.
I’m a die-hard Trump vulgarian, up there with Mr. Pinko, but I won’t participate in ratfucking another Republican. Talk about shitting where you eat. Knock it off!
I was in Ohio then, too. I remember.
Iowntheworld Values! 🙂
One of the most pathetic examples of highly suspect outrage was RINO Larry Kudlow today on his radio show saying that he could “now never vote for Ted Cruz” because Cruz wants to… kill the New York widows of 911 or something.
It was almost hilarious the way he raised his voice (the way Jeb and Dole before him did because handlers were screaming at them to do so) as if he had been supporting Cruz all along.
Funnier still was his entire panel praising Trump for bringing up 911 almost as if they hadn’t spent every hour of every radio show for the last 6 months savaging Trump.
Can we have more pictures of busty women in supermarkets? Politics is giving me a headache.
Yow. I make one mild remark, go back to work, and all hell breaks loose. I have to do some reading and catch up.
For the record, it’s either Trump or Cruz. We don’t need to do the GOPe’s work for them (or the Demrat’s, either) by buying into the favored prog tactic of balkanizing everyone who isn’t strictly in line.
Let me just say this. Fur is EXACTLY right and I say that as an elected delegate for Ted Cruz. The level of delusion it takes for one to convince themselves that Trump would not be a FAR better choice than anything the Dems can offer is a level of delusional that I cannot even comprehend. I hate to admit it but there far too many counterproductive, vindictive KOOKS on our side. It just takes a presidential primary to realize how many there are out there..
I don’t trust any of them. That being said Trump and Cruz seem to be the only two that are at least pretending to live on the same planet I do.
Is either one the perfect candidate? Maybe for some brain dead lofos there is a perfect candidate but there is no such thing to my way of thinking. Cruz and Trump both have warts just like everyone else. Hopefully they really do have less warts than the others, rather than being better at hiding them.
My crystal ball (which is pretty murky) says Trump will be the next president. And my cynical side says he’ll be assassinated or impeached within six months.
We can do it. Go back to the last debate thread, we were all sitting around holding hands singing kumbaya. ?
It’s Brad and Magnum
Not that there is anything wrong with that
Chief I have to respond because you are talking about something I said and i didn’t say that, I was quoting what the person said to me go read the record if you need to but don’t pin that on me as a matter of fact I just apologized to someone on here because I didn’t know she was a lady and I was a little rough. I don’t do that to women. That’s one of the problems we don’t listen to each other. Don’t blame me for something I didn’t say. Thanks.
I have generally stayed of the Trump threads just because of what they become, but when a iOTWr contributor calls Ted a Canadian, I am not going to sit down and shut up. When Trumps starts selling lies instead of himself, I’m not gonna shut up. When The Donald tries to humiliate Ted on the backs of 3,000 dead New Yorkers, I’m not gonna shut up. I was perfectly willing to let Donald be our president over my favored candidate, even with his faults, until he started lying. Once The Donald started his lying, he is no better than hillary or bernie to me. At this point, I don’t think I would even hold my nose and vote for him against a dead fern, and I’m the guy that voted for Perot just because of the “read my lips” thing and learned my lesson.
No! I will not help install a “republican” that has those values. I will give it to bernie so maybe we end up in a ditch, but not from the right, but from the left. Sometimes you only reverse course after you have nowhere else to go.
Yes, Trump is dead to me!
I will not vote for Trump. Period. Period.
I didn’t call you out by name, but if I got the details wrong I apologize. My mistake, then.
I posted here a few weeks ago that we would all do better to treat each other more like we would in person, but the rhetoric of late seems to be deteriorating.
I don’t think it helps our cause when any of us “regulars” resort to “GFY”. I prefer to think of the comments section here as a neighborhood bar. A dive, sure, but still part of our neighborhood.
Now, the Leftists shitbags? THEY can GFY!
Amen brother!
It’s like a scene from West Side Story
The Jets and the Sharks….Cool
gee… guess I’ll just sit at home on Election Day ….no point, huh?
I will vote for whoever is the republican nominee before I’ll just do nothing & let the Hildabeast win because I & others, I see, just give up. I know the system is rigged….that’s why every soul possible needs to get out & do what they can to stop the One World Oligarchs.
Right you are, BigFurHat, this is like rooting for your favorite sports team. Both sides have been pre-selected to create the illusion of choice. Then you root for your favorite side. Some choice, indeed. The crunt or the commie or the clown tell you what they think you want to hear. You suck it up like a spounge and hope for the best. Hope is what the doctor sells you when there is nothing else that can be done. It’s too late to save the republic because the republic has already died. The engine has quit. America is coasting to a stop. We only party on, like Titanic passengers.
Don’t get offended. Just assume they’re busting MY chops.
Also I’ll add and I didn’t know it until another wonderful person on here told me the person that said it apologized to me so really it was wrong for me to bring it up. ?
Magnum out!
To me the IOTW Bar is always open and it’s always 5:00.
I hate drinking alone. Well, hate is a strong word…
Perhaps we should debate
Batman vs Superman?
Is one dot like that braille for teachers pet stool pigeon? LOL
I think you missed a few of us delinquents.
Brad and Magnum to the office now!
Menderman just voted for Hillary. Nice job.
No, I just voted for Bernie. Hillary is gone.
You DO know what happened in the moments after that statement, don’t you?
And so on…..
In 2012 I dint vote for Romney, i voted libertarian. Friends said “why are you doing that? Its a wasted vote”. No, I voted my heart, because i thought nothing will ever change if we keep voting for these people.
Now it seems most of the USA sees what many of us saw.
Weekend At Pinko’s!
Pinko’s Cocktails and Dreams…
I’m making watermelon smoothies with Patrón, Who wants one?
“Now go home and get your fuckin’ shoeshine box.”
Looks like I’m IOTW bar-hopping tonight.
Pinko’s, Menderman’s, & Big Fur Hat’s Good Time Emporium…
( Hopefully a nightcap at MJA’s ) 🙂
just did a search on that quote & what came up were two links to IoTWreport dot com …..lmao
That’s funny. I searched ‘shoeshine box’ & ‘watermelon’ and a bunch of pictures of 0bama popped up…
sorry….don’t drink with Bernie supporters
interesting…that’s what all the Ross Perot voters said
I’ll vote for Trump or Cruz or anyone other than the Crunt or the Crank, or a Bloomberg should he decide to get involved..
Like Jerry Manderin, Trump sent me a Christmas card. I sent him one back to 725 Fifth Ave., and advised him to “go for jugular.”
I did not expect him to go for Ted’s. I meant the demorat’s jugular.
But… WTF? That’s the Donald.
do a research on the word ‘asshole’ & your computer will explode with Obama pics!
That being said, I really need to talk to you about Donald Trump!
Sounds like you’re on you’re period.
I have my ideal pick and who I’d like for vp, but ultimately……if they run a bag of hammers, I’m voting straight R as I always have!
Not voting or even casting for a 3rd party, hands it to the Demoncrats.
We coulda ended this madness in ’12 if 31 million had not sat home pissing & moaning about who’s conservative and who’s not. If there is a country left by November 7th…. whoever the R is…..we will be far better off than letting another
F@#@^^*^%$$#@#@# D-bag have 4 more years to continue our destruction.
“This Infighting Between Trumpsters and Cruzers on iOTWreport Ends Today ”
Aww, poop. This is the only way I can get my BP up to at least 120/70.
I will be voting for whoever is not a damn democrat. The difference is if it’s Cruz I’ll feel good about it and if it’s Trump I’ll be vomiting into the back of my throat a little bit when I pull the lever.
So, you’re calling for a Truze?
I’m not falling for that again!
BTW, never search the word ‘hemorrhoid’…
Eye bleach doesn’t even help!
according to LR/CTH, now goofy glen beck’s posting fake tweets about Mr. Trump
hang on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride …
Or a cease “you’re fired”…
Yea, that’s been going on for a while and it’s getting worse. The little fag Beck has slipped his disco.
In other news Trump has announced a new potential running mate. Scott Brown.
Rather than sitting it out, why don’t you just write in your candidate of choice? Anything is better than voting for Hillary or Bernie.
If that happens it will be time to establish the iOTW Compound in Montana. I’ll bring my guns and the party mix.
When people ask me who I plan to vote for, I simply say, “I will vote for the nominee.” If they want a more detailed answer than that, I tell them to gaze into their crystal ball.
Trump/Cruz 2016! Trump/Cruz 2020! Cruz/Conservative Juggernaught 2024! Cruz/Conservative Juggernaught 2028! Conservative Juggernaught/Conservative Juggernaut 2032! Rinse/ Repeat!
Of course you can discuss the election process. But when it denigrates into patriots calling other patriots assholes because they are for this candidate or that candidate, and then threaten to make a statement against the winner by sitting out the election, then I think a time out is in order. I use “time out” because you’re starting to sound like children.
We have our roster. The left has their roster.
When they send theirs into the arena we better be completely united behind that candidate and pushing hard.
I’m seeing people on the right on Twitter creating memes like:
“Make America Great Again,” and there’s a picture of Trump with duct tape around his mouth. This is a frontrunner against Hillary and Sanders that they’re talking about. So if he wins the nomination they’ve created lasting propaganda that hurts his chances of winning.
Great job, assholes.
And then there are the people against Cruz who do not simply question his eligibility, they are red in the face angry that the guy is even running, treating him like a subversive sent from middle earth to get elected who will plant Cuban and Canadian flags on the white house roof and declare America their territory.
Questioning the eligibility on a constitutional level is fine. Questioning Cruz on an integrity level makes you sound like a loon.
Yes, question the process and whether it’s legal or not, but why get personal towards Cruz in the process?
Ultimately the readers can do what they want. But I think you better start thinking longterm here. Don’t dig your heels in so deeply and box yourselves in with such harsh rhetoric that you would look like a hypocrite when you wave the Cruz Pom Poms.
And I would hope each and every one of you would be fervently campaigning for either Trump or Cruz or even Rubio when the opponent is Obama 2.0 or worse.
If I write a post and get an amen from you I realize I done good.
You did indeed. The circle firing squad HAS to stop.
You bring up another point.
We haven’t even gotten into potential running mates.
Trump could indicate he’s partial to a complete head scratcher, this would influence my vote.
Cruz could pick an outstanding running mate. That would change things.
BFH, I’m racking my little brain and I can’t come up with a bad ass running mate. Maybe Paul but I’m twisted like that. After what the GOP has done to us there’s not many that have not turned into total losers. That would make for a good IOTW poll. Second slot.
Stop by here for a wee dram, as well. Laphroiagh Islay Single Malt is tonight’s libation. With just a splash of water.
Ya’ll are very entertaining.
Dick Cheney is tanned. ready, and rested!
Oh for crying out loud Jeb would be better than Hillary or Bernie.
You’re damn right Bob. If the shit hits the fan I’ll vote for anything with an R behind it. It’s not a win, it’s a delay tactic.
I love Cheney. I’d stand behind him in a heart beat. The guys like the last great true American.
I do too. I wasn’t impugning him, just making a joke that would blow liberal minds.
Cheney is a true patriot.
The GOPe is ruthless.
I believe Trump will be forced to pick Jeb.
it would be cool if not for comments like this one posted by River_Life Callie:
“WOW AA – what a load of straw man bullshit. How can you breathe with your head so far up Trump’s ass? Once a liberal always a liberal.”
This political Pharisaical nonsense has only one place in the landscape of election debate, the gutter. It is Exhibit A.
Nice. Quite a coining you did there. +1
No doubt, pun master VietVet will appreciate it too.
Ala HW being forced on Reagan?
I think Reagan was more beholden to the Party than Trump is.
I draw the line at Bush. I’ll write someone in if it comes to that.
I see no difference between Clinton or Bush getting in office.
It’s that the conservative brand will take huge damage when a “right wing” president crashes the country the exact same way the Libs have been doing.
Bush represents the underlying unity the established parties have – two wings – one bird. Just look at what the Republican party did with winning both houses – they wrote and passed everything like they were Democrats. Not a damn thing accomplished that they were elected for, but the opposite.
If Bush is the nominee I know my vote has never really counted because there are bigger things at work.
A write-in would be the best I could be satisfied with in that situation.
Well said, Fur. Staying home in a pout on election day does nothing to help our country.
It’s why I stop commenting here….for people who are suppose to be conservatives …ergo more intelligent, better informed…I see all the same tactics of liberals; nitpicking, insults, believing the propaganda and in some cases, downright meanness….it’s embarrassing….and I am not interested.
He just did – caught a blurb about Scott Brown. Rumor or fact, that’s an uhm moment.
Bravo, Big Fur Hat. As I have tweeted, I am a Cruz supporter, but I will vote for whoever the GOP nominee is (confident that it won’t be Bush III).
If you’re not willing to cheat to win a world, you don’t really want it.
Politics ain’t beanbag.
These people are destroying this country and stealing $Trillions of hard-working Americans labor, and the labor of generations to come.
Thank you. Tired of getting savaged by my own kind for not hating on either man for every misstep either makes. Wow, it’s been crazy. As conservatives we’re so much better than this.
While I certainly prefer one of the gentlemen over the other, EITHER will be an asset to this country and a FAR better choice than Crazy Cankles or Crazy Cranky.
This is a real “Kum-ba-yah” thread!
I feel so warm and snuggly and fuzzy!
I may slip into my jammies and have a cup of cocoa!
Thanks, Mr. Hat!
Now, if you could just bring peace to those darned sunnis and shiites!
Excuse me, but we are in the middle of a primary. The appropriate question is not whether the candidates would be better than there Democrat counterpart.
The relevant question is whether Cruz or Trump would be better as President.
That’s the whole point of a having a primary.
(BTW, I suspect anyone that wants a moratorium on comparisons between Cruz and Trump wants it because their choice in that race is coming up short when they are compared.)
In the primary, vote your conscious; in the general, for for the best chance to win.
– A Regretful Perot Voter
“BTW, I suspect anyone that wants a moratorium on comparisons between Cruz and Trump wants it because their choice in that race is coming up short when they are compared.”
Not the case – BigFurHat sees the damage it’s doing to both candidates, the Left loves this, the GOPe loves this. the Left media feeds this.
IMO – the time for head to head comparisons is when there are only two candidates left in play. Not when the GOPe is drooling for a split vote and Rubio or Bush gets in.