This is a he, not a she —> – IOTW Report

This is a he, not a she —>

I am about to scrape a portion of a story without attribution because I do not want to disparage the site it came from specifically. They are part of a broader problem.

“Tabitha Poppins,” entered a Subway in Portland’s Chinatown on July 23 and initiated a fight with staff, according to the police report. During the dispute, Curtis “slammed his hands down” so hard that the food line glass broke. Curtis was booked into jail and charged with second-degree criminal mischief, second-degree criminal trespassing, third-degree theft, menacing and second-degree disorderly conduct. However, she was quickly released without bail.



Does the person who wrote this honestly think this is a woman?

Why are we going along with this bullshit?

Yes, conservatives are generally polite, but do you think the left would be so accommodating to the right if we had an absurd demand such as this?

I can understand, in the presence of Miss Poppins, that one would want to be courteous and refe… no, scratch that. I can understand referring to this dude as Miss Poppins because you don’t want to antagonize the mentally ill and get stabbed in the neck with a Bic pen. But when writing about HIM later on, why would a conservative site write “she”? You’re only perpetuating the problem that conservative sites usually rail against.

I don’t get it.


30 Comments on This is a he, not a she —>

  1. I’m tired of the play along crap myself. Its Bradley Manning and Bruce Jenner and the list goes on. Their delusions are theirs and not mine. I live in reality. And while we’re on the subject I’d like to give a shout out to Shawn King and Miss Rachel Dolepineapple or what ever the hell her name is.

  2. Sloppy bloggish writing of bits taken from other’s stories and/or twits, maybe.

    But at least it wasn’t along the lines of a fake article a la Breitbart too often these days, and Pam Geller: a new headline and a paragraph of here’smyblogandsoclickonme, followed by a story written by someone else.
    (I will not EVER link to Geller when she does this and, save for a couple of writers, Breitbart has lost me too.)

  3. They had a “women’s skateboard” competition in the Olympics this year.
    One girl from the USA told the announcers to call her “they.”
    The announcer tied his tongue in knots when she was competing.
    She failed miserable, no wonder she was a chunky lump of crap.

    What the dumb announcer should have said: “Here we have a ‘THEY’ competing in the WOMEN’S competition…sorry honey, you belong in the fucking THEY competition!”

  4. @LBS

    I am waiting to she how the MAN competing in women’s weight lifting finishes at the OlymDicks. I hope it blows out both its knees and crushes its own neck.
    Any news on it? (haven’t watched)

  5. @ PHenry – “…I’m terrible at math. One penis plus two balls equals how many women?…”

    You obviously did not learn common core math, where 1 + 2 = 1 as long as you can explain how you arrived at your answer.

  6. Are you sure it wasn’t a typo, especially since “he” was used earlier? Are there any other references to this person’s preferred pronoun?

    Is this being over analyzed? (Just this story, not the subject as a whole)

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