This Marine Has Asked For a Forum – IOTW Report

This Marine Has Asked For a Forum

We are happy to provide it for him.

This is a message to Mr. Obama (he refuses to call him president Obama.)

ht/ bayouwulfScreen Shot 2015-07-24 at 7.14.18 PM

13 Comments on This Marine Has Asked For a Forum

  1. The only way I see anything having any real teeth to REACQUIRE and COMMAND respect from these tyrants in Washington DC short of initiating a call to arms is to go full-tilt tax strike.

    I may be the only non-violent path left to Americans.

    God Bless this Marine, his direct family members, and his extended military family across this nation.

  2. I know he’s not alone in his statements. The reason 0bama is working so hard to tear apart our military is because the majority of our military warriors hate that son of a bitch and everything he stands for. He doesn’t have enough queers and transgenders to dilute the patriotism down to a level he can work with.

  3. I agree 100%.

    The most frustrating thing to me – THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING, is that HE KNOWS what he is doing is wrong – yet he does it anyway.

    ……because in the end, Liberal Marxists like him and the rest of the Washing DC cadre of thieves all firmly believe that they are the smartest people in whatever room they walk in to.

  4. That’s the most uplifting thing I have seen a quite awhile. What a stunning contrast between this Marine’s courage and integrity, and those of his (former) Commander-in-chief! Obama couldn’t carry this man’s combat boots.

  5. I have.been calling for that full scale tax revolt for years now. Added to that I would suggest demonstrations much like those the Egyptians held in Tahrir Square around the White House and major metropolitan and commerce choke points to shut down as much of commerce as possible. Obama and his satan spawn need to be arrested and tried for treason before they fully turn America over to her enemies and gut what’s left of our sovereignty and Constitution.

  6. This video says so much of what we (patriots) have been saying for decades. Obama is just the latest and, unfortunately, the most ‘powerful’ communist (or whatever you want to call him) to infiltrate our government.

    This is all on purpose. His ideology demands that the USA be punished for the crimes of colonialism. They say that the USA was created to steal resources from countries (starting with stealing the land from the Indians) that we conquered and enslave the people. They say that this is our indictment.

    I say that they are doing just what they accuse the USA of doing.

    Other than those who lead the ignorant; they have no knowledge of history. That is because the leaders of this ideology have changed history to fit their agenda of stealing our land and resources and enslaving us.

    Obama and his ilk know EXACTLY what they are doing and will laugh at the pain felt because of their actions. They will laugh at this video. They will laugh because people still think that they are who they say they are – Americans.

    They are not Americans. They are anti-American, anti-good and anti-Christ. They are greedy, power-hungry, heartless, Satan-indwelt shells of humans with black souls. They rot and fester in their hate of all that is good.

  7. @Claudia – Agreed! They thrive on lies, hatred and chaos.
    They only “better” themselves by dragging everyone else down to their own personal level of suck. They are nothing but sick-twisted Misery Merchants out to destroy Capitalism, Freedom and the West, and over decades they have done such a good job at it that half the people in the country can’t even recognize them for what they truly are anymore!

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