This Obamacare Thing Is Getting Ugly – IOTW Report

This Obamacare Thing Is Getting Ugly

There are few things more enjoyable in life than telling Democrats “I told you so, and now you can suffer.” This Financial Times article lays out the current signs of collapse in the Affordable Care Act.


Take note of all the people in the comments section who testify to how their own insurance has gotten out of hand and they’ve been forced to drop it altogether. Best of all, the post that starts with “I supported the ACA…”.




15 Comments on This Obamacare Thing Is Getting Ugly

  1. I always remember the words of the Flim-Flam Man (George C Scott) just before running a scam on his mark. “You can’t cheat an honest man.” The insurance companies are not honest

    The insurance companies at first opposed 0-care, then realizing the government would force people to buy insurance they became supporters, thinking they’d make huge profits. But it didn’t work out for them, many are facing financial ruin.

    Well, I refuse to sign up for 0-care because it’s not a secure system, it’s also a bureaucratic nightmare, and I view the subsidies as being paid by money stolen from others.

    I’m taking the risk of not having insurance for my family. If I purchased insurance, after paying my utility bills, food bill, etc. I wouldn’t have enough money left over to do much besides sit at the house. No thanks. The world offers things I want to enjoy doing. And most minor medical needs would be paid out of pocket anyway because of $5k deductible/person. I hope some major illness or accident doesn’t whip-out my life’s savings. But the best way I know to oppose this most un American organized crime law is to go John Galt and not voluntarily pay into it. It will bite me at tax time (thanks John Roberts). But that’s forced theft by government.

    Besides the whole 0-care law, and how it was made law just pisses me off. Screw ’em.

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