Thousands of Seattle teachers take part in union-sponsored Black Lives Matter protest – IOTW Report

Thousands of Seattle teachers take part in union-sponsored Black Lives Matter protest

EAG: SEATTLE – Thousands of Seattle teachers came to school Wednesday wearing “Black Lives Matter” t-shirts in an attempt to use the divisive movement to highlight race issues.

A teachers group that calls itself “Social Equality Educators” organized the “Black Lives Matter to Educators” event to coincide with Seattle Public Schools’ “day of unity.” And while the Black Lives Matter protest isn’t officially sponsored by the school district, it seems to have the blessing of district officials.

“We are united in our commitment to eliminate opportunity gaps. Teachers have a First Amendment right to wear their speech. We respect our teachers’ rights and desire to express themselves,” a district spokesman told WGRZ in a statement. “T-shirts are a good visual. We hope the message inspires people to do the work on eliminating opportunity gaps.”

Black Lives Matter protest organizer and high school teacher Jesse Hagopian told the news site teachers are using the day of unity to highlight problems black students face as a result of institutional racism, such as lower graduation rates and higher suspension rates than white students. MORE

8 Comments on Thousands of Seattle teachers take part in union-sponsored Black Lives Matter protest

  1. I’d be interested in hearing what that “district spokesman” (spokesman – really?) would say about a white student who wears his 1st Amendment protected speech in the form of an American flag T-shirt on Cinco de Mayo.

  2. When you’re a lazy, unqualified and basically a poor excuse for a human much less a teacher these unions/groups that are hiding behind so called social justice movements (well, extortion groups really) like BLM are needed to cloud the real issues and prevent people from asking questions like why their children got “A”‘s in high school and failed horribly in first year university. It also prevents discussions of their actual worth compared to their compensation packages. They’re just setting these kids up for failure and they know that but just don’t care.

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