Thousands Sign Petition to Oust Professor Over Harassment of Ivanka Trump – IOTW Report

Thousands Sign Petition to Oust Professor Over Harassment of Ivanka Trump

Thousands are calling on Hunter College to remove a professor who was involved in an incident last week at JFK Airport in which Ivanka Trump was
reportedly berated in front of her family.

Approximately 9,361 needed to reach 50,000 – Sign the petition – STORY and LINK is HERE

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16 Comments on Thousands Sign Petition to Oust Professor Over Harassment of Ivanka Trump

  1. These two homosexualists paired bad behavior with leftist ideology in the most pubic display of classless stupidity in recent times. These are the people our votes kept from making this country a bicoastal democracy. God speed, Donald Trump and your classy daughter.

  2. The country badly needs a method to rid our universities of these parasites. They act worse than spoiled children and set a horrible example for students. For starters, they should only be allowed to spend 2 years on the gummit tit, followed by 5 years in the private sector to be eligible for another 2 years on gummit tit.

  3. Bman said—The right is starting to resemble leftists

    By signing a petition? If we were rioting, berating people in public places, covering magazines, threating artists, beating up liberals, lying about being targets of crimes etc etc etc I would agree with you.

  4. If conservatives can have their jobs taken from them, their careers ruined, have their lives threatened online, and any number of other “punishments” doled out for calling Mooch an ape, or by making fun of Barry’s ears, then what’s happening here is also fair play. The fag should lose his job, tenure or no.

  5. I wonder what these “professors” do to any of their students that has the balls to disagree with them in class? I’m assuming that there are some students that have a brain of course.

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