Threats From The Left We Should Not Forget – IOTW Report

Threats From The Left We Should Not Forget


Many leftists have directed some deeply disturbing rhetoric at conservatives and Trump supporters in recent months, claiming President Trump’s bombast is responsible for the political polarization of today’s America. This is pure nonsense. More

13 Comments on Threats From The Left We Should Not Forget

  1. gin blossom
    OCTOBER 26, 2020 AT 7:25 PM
    “Ohhhh my knees are rattling!”

    …my right one does, but that’s mostly because of my meniscusectomy earlier this year.

    But I can still kick their ass with the LEFT one…

  2. There is no reconciliation between the sides possible, either one side will have to kill the other or some overpowering outside force will have to step in and oppressively (and probably brutally) rule over them to force them to live with each other against their will.

  3. “Microsoft Rep Threatens To ‘Slide Knife Between Ribs’ Of ‘Asshole’ Conservatives:”

    Personally, I’m getting rather tired of my life being threatened by 120 pound moron Libtard woman and 55 year old women school teachers.


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