Three Names On The Chopping Block Post-Election – IOTW Report

Three Names On The Chopping Block Post-Election


If President Trump wins re-election,he’ll move to immediately fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and also expects to replace CIA Director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, two people who’ve discussed these officials’ fates with the president tell Axios. More

A Fox News source claims Haspel’s safe. Here

22 Comments on Three Names On The Chopping Block Post-Election

  1. getting fired should be the least of the criminal political class worries and they’ve all said “no one is above the law”

    if these people don’t suffer consequences for their crimes we have no rule of law

  2. Getting rid of useless Gubberment bureaucratic employees?
    Let’s start with entire unConstitutional Departments – Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, Housing & Urban Development (HUD), BATFEces, FiBbIes, just off the top of my head.

  3. When Nixon was re-elected he demanded signed, undated resignation letters from every political appointee.
    Good move. “Serves at the pleasure of President Donald Trump” should mean just that.
    Fuck these traitorous, lazy, worthless, parasitic maggots.

    izlamo delenda est …


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