Tick a Box— If you have one – IOTW Report

Tick a Box— If you have one

I guess anyone who thinks this is ridiculous is the one that is nuts, right?

Norway Set To Launch Website Where People Can Change Legal Gender

A proposed bill in the Norwegian Parliament would allow people to change their legal gender online within a matter of minutes.

The bill is expected to pass with few objections when it goes to a vote this summer. Norwegians would just have to go online and simply “tick a box” to change their legal gender.

Children as young as six years of age will be able to change their gender if both parents agree. If one parent objects, authorities will decide what’s “in the child’s best interest.”

“The law will make things easier for us. We wont’t have to always prepare everything in advance before going anywhere,” Sofie Brune, the mother of a six year-old girl who wants to be a boy, told The Local. “So it’s natural that he now plays for the local boy’s [soccer] team, and he’s treated as a boy in school.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/05/16/norway-set-to-launch-website-where-6-year-olds-can-change-legal-gender/#ixzz48vF3M4mh


21 Comments on Tick a Box— If you have one

  1. The inhumanity —Norwegians are currently forced to go through a full sex change — with surgeries, hormone treatments and psychiatric exams — to be recognized as a different gender than their biological one.

    I’m sure their new Muslim arrivals are going to love this. A new group to throw off the nearest rooftop.

  2. what’s the point of choosing a gender if you can just change your mind later anyway based on the way you feel at time?

    if nothing else, this “gender confusion” has pointed out the uselessness of common sense in arguments with progressives.

    we have soldiers being shot who cannot shoot back for about 16 years in the middle east.
    we now have a 19 trillion outstanding debt.
    we have 35 million illegals running lose around in the country raping and murdering and consuming welfare.
    we have 90 million Americans out of work.

    and what do the msm want to talk about? transgender bathroom use?

  3. Why does Sofie Brune’s mother want her to be worse at soccer than everyone else on her team? Oh, that’s right, we don’t keep score any longer and she will get the same participation trophy as the rest of the boys because there was a girl dragging the whole team down.

  4. For those who imagine that the rabid insanity is an American phenomenon:

    BEHOLD! The collapse of Western Civilization!

    The real question, that no one seems willing to even ask, is “WHY?”

    WHY is the West so intent upon suicide? The greatest, free-est, most prosperous, most humane, most respecting of the individual, civilization in All of Human History is, with malice aforethought, plunging into the darkest abyss of evil – bringing upon itself war, pestilence, famine, oppression, hate, vengeance, torture, and death.

    Why? It is a simple question. But, perhaps, not so easily answered.

    Ennui? Fatigue? Malice? Imbecility?

    The sin of Adam? Humanity’s innate desire to grub in the dirt rather than soar with the Angels?

    I don’t get it. We have everything and we’re willing to throw it all away for some perverted illusion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If “self identifying” overrides biology, then I have a cure for cancer. That’s right, all a cancer patient needs to do is self identify as healthy. Let’s see how that works out.

  6. This is the standard Obama references when he says to put places like this “in charge to clean things up.”

    And **the AUTHORITIES** will decide?

    How how HOW do people become so retarded?

  7. This transgender bullshit is spreading like an HIV virus all over the western world as the latest liberal useful idiot cause du jour. It’s like there’s an agenda or something.

    I sincerely hope if the useful idiot puppet masters ever start pushing pedophilia, the next item on their insane sexual disfunction list, ropes and lamp posts are the response.

  8. Time to kick Norway out of NATO. If you are not willing to fight for your own culture, and do not believe Western cultural norms are worth fighting for, then fight-off the world (and the Russians) by yourselves. Idiots like that aren’t worth defending.

    And it won’t take the Ruskies long. These same idiots are all probably afraid of guns, too.

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