Tim Kaine: Uh Yeah, so maybe Obama and Kerry didn’t get all those Syrian chemical weapons after all – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine: Uh Yeah, so maybe Obama and Kerry didn’t get all those Syrian chemical weapons after all

DMF: In case you’ve forgotten, and heaven knows I certainly have tried to, Tim Kaine is the Senator from  Virginia who had the political misfortune of attaching his rising star to Madam Clinton’s epic presidential catastrophe. He was selected as Clinton’s 2016 running mate because like millions upon millions of other Americans, he speaks Spanish. This little bit of transparent pandering was supposed to deliver the Hispanic vote, allowing Hillary to win without evil white males, who she felt were deplorable bitter clingers and totally unnecessary to her victory. If that strategy seems crazy to you, congratulations, you have better judgement that Tim Kaine, who speaks Spanish.

Anyway, MSNBC pulled Timmy out of the political dark shadows of the U.S. Senate this morning and asked him: Hey, didn’t Obama and Kerry say they’d eliminated all of Syria’s chemical weapons? Tim Kaine, who boldly chose to answer in English despite being a fluent Spanish-speaker, responded honestly. Yeah…..about that…. 

7 Comments on Tim Kaine: Uh Yeah, so maybe Obama and Kerry didn’t get all those Syrian chemical weapons after all

  1. *sigh*

    Can anyone prove that these are NOT the chemical weapons smuggled out of Libya by the CIA, NSA, and DIA to ISIS through the efforts of HRC during her Secretariat?

    Everybody wants to blame Assad, and no doubt he’s a bad actor, but how does it profit him? And he only uses them on the l’il chillens when there are video cameras available? Doesn’t this sound hinkey to anyone?

    Why would Assad cut off his own dick? Cuz the Russians told him to?

    Why is Blumenthal, the phony war-hero Demonrat from CT, demanding that our Armed Forces get involved?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …


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