Time To Cancel Stephen Colbert For History of Ugly Asian Jokes – IOTW Report

Time To Cancel Stephen Colbert For History of Ugly Asian Jokes


The far-left comedian [Stephen Colbert] toiled at Comedy Central at the time. His Colbert Report, a nightly show taking Bill O’Reilly to task for his “no spin zone” bluster, followed Jon Stewart’s Daily Show.

During one fateful broadcast, Colbert attacked Washington Redskins’ owner Dan Snyder, a popular target in sports circles. Colbert cracked that Snyder started a new organization to take the heat off him for his team’s allegedly racist nature.

‘I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ch***-Ch*** Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.’

The joke? Snyder is so tone deaf even his attempts at damage control make the problem worse, if not more racist. The bit actually referenced a similar routine Colbert performed in 2005 and repeated over the following years More


16 Comments on Time To Cancel Stephen Colbert For History of Ugly Asian Jokes

  1. The most amazing thing about Colbert is that despite all the energy he puts out, he’s simply not funny. However, he repeats leftist drivel, so he’s kept on the air by the democrat media.

    Bill Mahr is the only comedian on the left who is actally a funny man when he’s off the political bullshit.

  2. He should not have told “ugly Asian Jokes”.
    To even it out he should have told jokes that included “Pretty Asians” as well.

    He started a whole new type of discrimination against a group of people based solely on their attractive-ism.

  3. Colbert is a not-funny piker. The true champion of not-funny is Trevor Noah. The poor guys’ commercials, that should draw in viewers, are so bad I shudder to think how crappy the show is.

  4. The guy is a very unfunny dork and doofus. Its what passes for humor today i guess. Idiots like colbert use a weirdo overcaffeinated schtick and think bizarre far left energy is funny. Fallon is another. These pinheads laugh at their own ‘jokes.’ Johnny Carson never laughed at his jokes the audience did

  5. naw, let him be, and let the asian americans take care of him.
    I’m not here to cancel anybody, I’m just here to see that justice is served. and It’s best served cold. 🙂

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