“Times Up” Farce Comes To An Unseemly End – IOTW Report

“Times Up” Farce Comes To An Unseemly End

John Nolte at Breitbart

Over the Labor Day weekend, the hoax that was Time’s Up pretty much disbanded in disgrace.

It wasn’t just almost the entire board (Shonda Rimes, Katie McGrath, Nina Shaw, Eva Longoria, Hilary Rosen) that resigned in disgrace; the Time’s Up Global Leadership Board was also disbanded.

Like the creeps over at Project Lincoln, Time’s Up will probably try to save face with a hiccup here and a burp there as proof of life, but it’s over.

And all I can say is good riddance to those shameless grifters. More

9 Comments on “Times Up” Farce Comes To An Unseemly End

  1. Meryl Streep? Seriously?? She was the one fawning all over Harvey Weinstein before he was outed. Then over Andrew Cuomo before he was outed. Some actresses said they didn’t give in to Harvey’s “advances”, and so didn’t get cast in his movies. What does that say to all of them that DID get cast?


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