To lawn sign or not to lawn sign – IOTW Report

To lawn sign or not to lawn sign

PatriotRetort: As I sit here in my home smack-dab in the middle of Hillary Country, I am mulling over just how visible I want to make my support for Donald J. Trump. Should I put a bumper sticker on my car? Do I risk placing a lawn sign in my front yard?

If I hop in my car and head out to my folks’ house ten miles away, all I see are Trump lawn signs.

trump signs

Here, however, in walking distance from Syracuse University, I have seen not one.

Hillary signs? Yeah. I’ve seen a few. One just a few houses down from me.

In 2010, during the Tea Party counter-revolution, I had an Ann Marie Buerkle lawn sign in my front yard. I can’t tell you how many times I would come home from work and find it yanked up and tossed into the shrubs in front of my house.

Those Liberals. Tolerant bunch, aren’t they?

Ann Marie Buerkle was the nicest lady you would ever meet. She wasn’t some frothing-at-the-mouth crazy. I mean, she wasn’t in the Green Party, for heaven’s sake. Ann Marie was a soft-spoken constitutional conservative.

The fact that her lawn sign inspired such outrage really shocked me.  MORE

32 Comments on To lawn sign or not to lawn sign

  1. This is not going to be an election where yard signs and bumper stickers are deployed. I’ve been vandalized enough times to know that the left now views politics as a blood sport.

    People will quietly disembowel Monica’s boyfriend’s wife and go about their business. That includes the phony republican naysayers who are disavowing Trump now.
    In spite of their public tantrums now, they’ll vote Trump because they know in their hearts that Hillary advances Obamas tyranny.
    But the tantrum gives them publicly cover.

    You won’t see yard signs so much. Nobody wants personal confrontation in their hood. Millions of silent snipers will do their business at the ballot box.

  2. I wear my Swarovsky crystal Trump pin every time I go out of the house. It’s inspired a few interesting looks and comments. I even wear it to Mass. I figure I’m taking Trump to church. 🙂

    We have a large Trump sign in our picture window.

    I am hesitant to put up a sign on my van window. Not sure I want to get keyed. Am thinking about it. Plus, if I happen to make a stupid traffic error, I don’t want anyone to say “Stupid Trumper.” I know I did when I saw Obummer bumper stickers on autos.

  3. Has anyone actually been swayed to vote for a major candidate because of a yard sign, or are they just so you can say to your neighbor “in your face”?
    I will pass on the yard signs again this election. Too much trouble to move them when I mow the grass.

  4. The only Trump bumper stickers I’ve seen are on pickup trucks you wouldn’t want to be caught f-Ing with.
    There is way too much emotion this election and if Trump ends up pulling ahead of Hillary in the polls I can’t imagine how unhinged the MSM and people that have been driven to hate Trump will become along with your standard co-exist ‘tolerant’ liberal.
    Just knowing I’m voting for him is satisfaction enough. Pretty sad free speech is hard for the law abiders.

  5. I have seen a few Trump bumper stickers and a couple of Hillary.
    I have seen Trump yard signs but none for Hillary.
    I live in a conservative part of Florida.

    No way will I put a bumper sticker on my car.
    I won a Trump magnet from iotw that is YUGE!
    Too big for my car but it would get stolen either way.

    Anytime I pass someone with a Hillary or Bernie sticker I mouth: W-T-F?
    Then look at them like they have shit on their face. 🙂

  6. There is NOT ONE Hillary sign in my area. Three more Trump signs went up on my block and there are a dozen or so leading into the subdivision but NOT ONE HILLARY.

    Where are all those people the polls tell us about?

  7. Mr. Mxyzptlk;
    Having been on campaign staffs and put up thousands of signs of all sizes over 20 years …. The only people signs matter to are the people who put them up, the candidate and the opposition. Ussually both campaigns inundate an area with signs and it sways no one. If one campaign has an over whelming preponderous amount of signs it may influence those who are LOFO voters, because they just want to back a perceived winner.

  8. I’ve met a lot of people who won’t pubically admit they support Trump, but will privately tell you they will vote for him. I only know one Democrat who is all in for Hillary, and

    I don’t think we will see a lot of yard signs for Trump or Hillary. This is a weird election – the polls really don’t seem to reflect what people actually believe, and I think a lot of people are sick of the media and don’t care to participate in polling. If the Republican primary is any indiction, the Republicans should have a massive voter turnout of people who didn’t bother to put Trump signs in their yards.

  9. No Bumber stickers, no lawn signs. Don’t need anybody screwing with my property. I purchased 5 Trump shirts a while back and wear them quite often. If they want to screw with something with the Trump name attached to it they can screw with me.

  10. Me too, Muddjuice. Except for the the time I won a Cruz magnet from BFH. But he sent TWO, and they about covered my tailgate. Nobody messed sith my old beater truc then, so I’m thinking about doing a Trump sticker. No stick figure family, though.

  11. No way. Not in my libtard neck of the woods.

    The neighbors on either side of me are hard core lefties. One is low key and nice enough but the other is a crazy hippy. Mr Illustr8r and I both work so those two can eat. They take more vacations in one year than we do in 5.

    I still see more Bernie signs/stickers than Hillary ones. You wouldn’t know she is even running for President compared to the Obama years. Definitely an enthusiasm gap…even one my Facebook newsfeed…the lefties only seem to pop off when her health comes into question.

  12. My neighborhood is the kind where mini stars and stripes flags on my truck get broken while it’s in my driveway and all Republican signs at the polling station one street over are missing or are reduced to wire-frames-only by voting day. With giggles from the polling workers when asked about them.

    If I were going to put a sign up, I would also use my trail cameras and dash cams. Then make them pay for it by having a public record with all accompanying fines/punishments.

    I suggest the same.

    Trail cameras can be had fairly cheaply now days. They can record sound and have HD quality video with “black out” infra red LEDs. Meaning, you can’t tell when they are on with the naked eye. Silently waiting for action and are triggered by motion so you waste little battery or SD card space to record on and don’t have to search through hours of nothing to see what you have worth keeping.

    Pest controls skills are useful way beyond the job itself.

    Catching animals is catching animals. Two legged or four legged – not a lot of difference when it comes down to it.

  13. We spray our signs with deer in estrus spray from TSC, Wal Mart, any hunting supply. We’ve also coated the top and sides with cheap vaseline and poured on the powdered Thai hot peppers.
    Both work like charms.

  14. I like the nails-in-the-lawn idea but it crosses the line of illegal booby traps. After getting equipment stolen twice, I went down a list of ideas I had with a long time customer that’s a lawyer.

    Rigging up 110 volt to my lawn mower was nixed right off the bat.

    Now, if some poison ivy stem juice just happened to have gotten on the grabby parts of the sign – well, itch happens!

    Then I’m hoping it gets stolen. I’d gladly put a new one up every day with fresh oil of ivy on it.

  15. I have some old iPhones I Velcro to various windows in my house. I found a time lapse
    photo app that lets me shoot 10 sec. intervals all day. I came home one day and saw blinking from the backyard camera. Turns out it automatically turns on the flash at night. So I had to tape over the flash on those cameras. So far I saw the turd next door smoking crack on his porch steps. Had no idea he was a druggy. Now his house is on the police drug watch list.

  16. Just sayen, you can’t hurt them unless they confront you directly. And I live for inflicting physical pain on them. I think I’ll start greying my hair and walking with a cane. A fine weapon I might add.

  17. Dadof4 – thanks, I guess that’s my next step but still very disappointing that I never received my signs or heard back from the campaign. It kind of makes me not want to make a sign. WTF?

  18. @PageOTurner: They’re all in their graves, silently waiting for election day.*

    * – This gives me an idea: Wonder how the Dims would react if a bunch of Hillary signs started popping up in cemeteries everywhere. Not that I know of anyone who would actually do such a dastardly prank, of course…


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