Tommy Robinson Freed – IOTW Report

Tommy Robinson Freed


Tommy Robinson has been released from Britain’s maximum security jail after a nine-week sentence that arose from him filming the faces of rape gang suspects outside of court.

The former English Defence League leader turned citizen journalist and anti-child rape activist was pictured leaving HMP Belmarsh prison Friday morning, sporting a beard and long hair from his time behind bars. Laughing with Ezra Levant, a Canadian journalist who has allied himself closely to Mr Robinson, the street organiser joked his first stop after prison would be for a haircut because his newly grown ginger-streaked beard made him look like a “little cowardly convert” to Islam. More

13 Comments on Tommy Robinson Freed

  1. Welcome home Tommy. I don’t know him personally, but I respect what he does. He stands on principals. Saying that he converted to Islam is just dead wrong. Those who promote this lie are trolls, plain and simple.


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