More Nanny Government Meddling, Consequences To Follow
More Nanny Government Meddling, Consequences To Follow
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Does trans-fat mean that you’re becoming fat?
Is saying “fat” a hate crime?
Trans-fat is when you’re actually skinny,
but you identify yourself as a fat person.
In other words, anorexia.
Repeat after me:
The government is not your friend.
But…but…I’m a transfat person. I’m becoming fat in my freedom of my sexuality/identity. HATE CRIME! HATE CRIME! RAAAAAPE!!! OBERLIN, WHERE ARE YOU?! MATTRESS GIRL! HELP!
I need PlayDoh and Puppies. Tickle my tummy!
I thought the US had already pretty well banned trans-fats. We did and said goodbye to tasty bakery products, mmmmm french fries and lots and lots of other great things all due to our bureaucrat masters. We weren’t even given a choice, just the idea that they were a little unhealthier was enough to start the playing with numbers game to convince people that a doughnut made with trans-fats was like eating a cyanide laced treat. McDonalds fries have never been the same since (although to be fair it’s only one of the reasons they aren’t as great as they used to be).