Trans doctor warns against new Spanish law allowing kids as young as 12 to legally change gender – IOTW Report

Trans doctor warns against new Spanish law allowing kids as young as 12 to legally change gender

PM: Spanish legislators have recently passed a law to allow children aged 12-14 can switch their legal gender with the authorization of a judge, with ages 14-16 now being permitted to do so “without psychological or other medical evaluation,” reported Fox News on Sunday.

In accordance with the new law, anyone over the age of 16 will be able to legally change their gender without parental approval as well. Previously, people who identified as transgender would need a formal diagnosis from several doctors of gender dysphoria before changing gender markers. According to an expert in the field, these new policies can lead to “unexpected consequences.”

“That’s pretty young,” said Dr. Erica Anderson, a transgender clinical psychologist with a practice in Berkeley, California, to the outlet. 

Anderson has served on the board of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), and has four decades of clinical experience.

“I’m concerned that many young people are sort of caught up in the excitement about sexual and gender minority labels and might be adopting ideas about themselves that may not last,” the psychologist continued, before sharing fears about young people potentially using “such labels to make decisions for themselves.” MORE

4 Comments on Trans doctor warns against new Spanish law allowing kids as young as 12 to legally change gender

  1. UPDATE: Dr Erica Anderson has been/will be cancelled by the sate of California, license revoked, kicked off social media, shunned. It is also getting death threats from deranged progressive creatures – but I repeat myself.

  2. “children aged 12-14 can switch their legal gender with the authorization of a judge”

    A judge that would “authorize” this, is a menace to society.
    Authority?!! pfft!

  3. How can anyone change a “gender?” Do these ignorant assholes even have a clue what “gender” means?
    Spain is lost. Might as well bring the moslems back in to rule these fucking idiots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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