Transgender Men Are Clowning Feminists – They Have More Rights Than Women – IOTW Report

Transgender Men Are Clowning Feminists – They Have More Rights Than Women

Hey feminists, come up with a clever word, you know, like mansplaining, that describes the environment where men who think they are women have more rights than biological women.

It’s happened.

Women are asked to leave woman’s shelter because a transgender showed up and the REAL WOMEN (there, I said it) objected.


Two women were kicked out of a homeless shelter to make room for a man because he said he is a transgender woman, according to a Canadian news report.

The women objected when they were told they would have to share a bedroom and live in the shelter with the man, and so “both were asked to leave the shelter for good,” said the TV reporter.

“I was uncomfortable with my roommate being transgender,” said one of the women, Tracey, in a TV reporter from Canada’s Global News network.  “He wants to become a woman, I mean that is his choice but when a man comes into a women’s shelter who still has a penis and genitals, he has more rights than we do,” Tracey said.

Canada’s progressive laws forbid “discrimination” against people who are trying to live as members of the opposite sex. That legal rule gives them legal authority over women and men who prefer to live, work and socialize with their own sex. The Canadian law even backs men who merely say they are “transitioning” and have not undergone sex-change surgery.

The second woman, Blaine, said the man’s arrival denies women any distance from men. “Some women have had bad experiences with men so they are fleeing men and now we have a man living there,” she said.

Blaine highlighted the central issue created by the transgender advocates’ demand that men and women be freely allowed to change their legal sex to match their self-selected “gender identity,” regardless of biology.


13 Comments on Transgender Men Are Clowning Feminists – They Have More Rights Than Women

  1. “Hey feminists, come up with a clever word, you know, like mansplaining, that describes the environment where men who think they are women have more rights than biological women.”

    I’ll try to help. How about “transplaining?

  2. I just sent Trump a message on his web site telling him that the Supremes must never grant protected class status to the gender confused. I hope he takes my advice.

  3. Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnddd the lesson here kids is when yer mentally ill and confused, don’t expect anything to make sense… unless yer on LSD! Then you multiply the number of images by the number of trails and reality should be about… uh… well … uh … Oh fuck it!

  4. I know web ads get placed kind of in tune with what the giant computers see on the page. But did ya see the ad here for “voice change” SURGERY to make your voice more feminine? Sounds a lot riskier than psychotherapy.

  5. The left love to harp about the “gender wage gap” so which of the 64 genders gets paid the most and which the least?

    I imagine those who identify as a “Attack Helicopter” get paid the most because those are just pricey pricey pricey.

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