Transgender woman accused of ‘hate speech’ – IOTW Report

Transgender woman accused of ‘hate speech’

Telegraph UK- A transgender woman facing disciplinary action over a T-shirt stating that she is still biologically a man has been accused of “hate speech”.

Debbie Hayton, a physics teacher in the Midlands, lives as a transgender women after changing her gender from male to female in 2012. But unlike many people in the trans-community, she does not believe her sex can be changed and is vocal about the fact that she will always biologically remain a man.  more

12 Comments on Transgender woman accused of ‘hate speech’

  1. “Trans women are men. Get over it!”

    Get over what?? I don’t give an eff what you freaks do with your body and/or prefer to be called (in my mind, you’re an “it”). You’re the dumb f***s that have to live with yourselves and your environment. Keep your bitching to yourselves and quit looking for reasons to complain.

  2. That t-shirt should earn the evil perp at least 16 years in prison.

    If you say you are a woman, you are a woman totally and 100% biologically.

    Scientific classifications of the 18 century were the product of elite, privileged, white men who had a vested interest in perpetuating their superior status by enforcing normative schemes of “rational” analysis.

    In the future, you will agree that 2+2=5 because it is true, not to save your skin, or to please Big Brother.

  3. “private parts” , as in: none of our damn business as long as you don’t bother people with them? It’s not really about the pathetic lunatics unhappy with their gender, it’s about the political hatemongers creating division.


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