Trey Gowdy Rips Adam Schiff a New A-Hole Identical to the One Just Under His Nose – IOTW Report

Trey Gowdy Rips Adam Schiff a New A-Hole Identical to the One Just Under His Nose

17 Comments on Trey Gowdy Rips Adam Schiff a New A-Hole Identical to the One Just Under His Nose

  1. trey gowdy = all hat & no cattle

    sick of these republitard that yap off all day, every day & when it comes time for action they’re too busy explaining why they just can’t support the President because of … fill in the blank

    bunch of crap weasels … including, & especially Gowdy
    him & Chavez can go phuck each other … they probably do

  2. In fairness to Gowdy when he first entered the scene he was an articulate firebrand that rattled the dems when they faced his questions.
    Somewhere along the line I suspect that he was “talked to” by the deep state creatures and had it explained just what could happen to him and particularly his family if he made too many waves.
    He and many others that had severe spinal loss likely endured the same threats.
    Keep in mind he served mostly during the Obama regime and we’ve seen innocent people destroyed by the dozens. Nobody stepped forward to help these people other than those muttering a few timid complaints.
    Think about how much courage it takes to step up when nobody has your back.
    Just look at how little support Trump has gotten during all this. Maybe they’re all suffering Stockholm Syndrome.

  3. If you consider the amount of information that insiders gather on their political foes surreptitiously that can be twisted into weapons to destroy your livelihood and reputation then it seems more understandable why some people inexplicably morph into jelly. Jeff Sessions is likely a victim of this same thing.

  4. Gowdy was reputed to be a decent prosecutor before wallowing in the swamp and feeding his swelling ego every time another article or TV news fanboy claimed he “eviscerated” someone with his questions. Big talk, no action and zero results. Anybody can “rip” anyone a new asshole, it’s results that count in the end.

  5. Pleas research your data bank. 9 years ago this liberal liar said he would have Lerner in jail for breaking the IRS regs on conservatives and 501c3! She never even went to court!

    I commented then this Rove/Obama UNIPARTY leftist had a “forked tongue”! His words are contrary to his deeds! Man has no morals!


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