Trey “nothing to see here, folks” Gowdy – IOTW Report

Trey “nothing to see here, folks” Gowdy

CTH: Trey Gowdy Praises DOJ/FBI Efforts During Spygate: “FBI Did Exactly What President Trump Asked Them To Do”.

Never, ever, ever trust a member of the Washington DC UniParty.  Write it down; underline it; stick a reminder on your bathroom mirror -if needed- in order to see it when you brush your teeth twice daily; do what ever it takes not to forget the fundamental aspect to avoid consigning yourself to a life of ‘Battered Conservative Syndrome‘.

As much as this video might make a blood-pressure-cuff explode, it is important to see, and remind yourself, exactly how corrupt DC politicians are.  This is exhibit #1 in professional UniParty gaslighting.

27 Comments on Trey “nothing to see here, folks” Gowdy

  1. This guy’s kabuki theater investigation of Hilary served as camouflage so no serious investigation and charges would happen. It’s all just bread and circuses with these clowns.

  2. When I was 15 years old, my life turned upside down when I saw several sworn enemies casually having breakfast together in the restaurant inside the Bloomington Marriot in Minneapolis. Not 12 hours before, these men, who were now enjoying a meal together, were sworn enemies inside the ring at the Met Center in front of a capacity crowd, giving each other suplexes, figure-four’s, and a few boot scrapes.

    No different than Demicans or Republicrats. Politicians are no different than a bunch of WWF wrestlers. It’s all a damn show.

  3. Sickening to watch him contradict himself and think he’ll go unnoticed. Very few people go to Washington and emerge back out without their integrity in a shambles. Trey Gowdy didn’t make the cut along with some other gems like little Marco.

  4. When the President I voted for on the international stage showed hit utter contempt for my by deriding America I lost all faith in the UNIPARTY.

    to see how the first of Obama’s America hating Presidents condemns America go to Duck Duck. – enter “kinder gently America. 1989”

    Obama learned from the Bush Clan!

    And so did I!

  5. They have the goods on Gowdy. He is a menace in that position. Completely compromised and there obviously is nothing anyone can imagine he did is likely not what they actually have his number on.

  6. He’s a quitter, anyway. Busy feathering his nest and getting ready to work for MSNBC. He’s a bitter disappointment, and I hope whatever crime or peccadillo he is concealing comes to light. We deserve an explanation.

  7. I’ve seen countless rants by Gowdy, railing against the corruption, yet to this day we have not a single indictment. And, for the love of God, Trey, please pick one hair style and stick with it!

  8. Why does anyone trust any politician? Even the politicians I like I don’t trust, and the longer they are in office the lest trustworthy they are.

    People who own businesses may like their employees, but they still watch the cash register. Politicians are no different; many are likeable, some do a great job, but as their employer you should never really trust them.

  9. Gowdy used to talk a good game but I lost confidence in him long ago with all talk no action. I am glad to see him go and I hope the pieces of gold he sold his soul for were with it.

  10. Don’t know what happened to Gowdy, but I do know that even good people can be blackmailed. It is extremely easy for nefarious CIA types to, for instance, plant child pornography on your computer.

  11. I was at Tom Stewart’s picnik (may God rest his soul) and told a Republican State politician that he can expect absolutely no personal loyalty from me whatsoever. I will back him politically only so long as he toes the line, but one Goddamned toe over the line and my support for him politically will reflect that transgression and diminish commensurately. Don’t expect any personal loyalty, you are not my friend, I hold politicians I back at the moment in the same regard I hold the car salesman I am buying a car from.

  12. Besides all the crowing and the prosecutor snark he displayed, I saw something that turned my stomach a few years back when he started supporting illegal aliens. He didn’t do it on TV, but behind the scenes. And when he endorsed Marco Rubio, I knew he was officially a no-borders squish.

  13. @Tony R May 30, 2018 at 9:24 am

    > even good people can be blackmailed

    Some… probably. Most… maybe. But when a person seeks a command in ISIS… not to be a mere soldier, but a commander, a respected member of that community, a somebody… does it matter what sparked his zeal? Or is it enough to know… without doubt, by his pride in his act… what… who… he is?

  14. He had some popularity when he first arrived in the congress but it wasn’t long before people began seeing through his articulate hick persona. He sold us all out like the Judas he carefully tried to hide.

  15. There’s a list floating around on the web of Republicans that were supposedly paid by the Clinton Foundation to help stop Trump. That list included the usual suspects, Mcshitstain, Graham, Rubio, etc. But there were a couple names that at the time you would think “No Way”. I think Gowdy was on that list.


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