Trillions of Cicadas Expected to Invade the United States in Rare Event That Last Occurred Under Thomas Jefferson – IOTW Report

Trillions of Cicadas Expected to Invade the United States in Rare Event That Last Occurred Under Thomas Jefferson


Scientists expect trillions of Cicadas to invade the United States for the first time In 221 years.

At the end of April, trillions of Cicadas are expected to emerge from the ground and swarm across 17 states in a massive mating frenzy.


Live Science reported, “The rare double cicada brood will include the two of the largest cicada broods, Brood XIII and XIX, which will co-emerge en mass after having lived underground for 17 and 13 years.”

The last time a massive periodical brood occurred was in 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President.

The rare mating frenzy won’t happen again until 2244. more here

33 Comments on Trillions of Cicadas Expected to Invade the United States in Rare Event That Last Occurred Under Thomas Jefferson

  1. Will still sound less irritating than Useless Jean-Pierre, Horizontal Harris, Hillary, or countless other liberal shits than won’t shut their mouths.

  2. Has anyone determined whether Brood XIII and XIX can mate across brood lines successfully, and how long is the dormant phase of the hybrid group? Maybe we’ll see a third group emerging every 15 years. That would be…interesting.

    I’m glad I have hearing aids with a smart phone app with a MUTE button.

  3. Sautéed in butter, evoo, and garlic I imagine they’d make good croutons. Hey, I’d bet that cooked in bacon drippings they’d make great bar snacks.

  4. According to Zager and Evens –
    In the year 2525, if man is still alive
    If woman can survive, they may find
    In the year 3535
    Ain’t gonna need to tell the truth

  5. What Claudia said.

    Familiarize yourself with the scientific names of cicadas (“neotibicen linnei” is one variant) and look for any ingredients that resemble them (e.g., “acheta powder” means it contains powdered acheta domesticus, a.k.a. house crickets).

  6. From the map it looks like I’m far from these two broods. I’m still dealing with all the dead limbs that are still falling from trees after the 2021 X brood ravaged MD.

  7. In first/second grade I would pick the off the trees at lunch time and put them in my lunch box. By the time I got home at 3:30 they would be alive and well, but my Mom wasn’t real happy.

  8. Shit. I thought the cicadas were insufferable last summer, and now it’s going to be worse this years. Too bad the frequency is wrong; it can’t cancel out my tinnitus.

  9. When I was in grade school, the surrounding area got invaded with moles, the little mouse-like critters, not the things that grow on Hillary’s face.

    Anyway, some older kids formed gangs and went around clubbing them to death. The school principal came on the intercom and told everybody to stop it, it was animal cruelty. It got to be like Beatlemania; it was widespread. It was Molemania, with cruelty, not excitement at its core. I would watch our cat catch them and swallow them whole. Bizarre happenings for a 10 year-old kid to witness.

    However, I will kill cockroaches on site. They are despicable creatures, but I give them kudos for being survivors. God created them for some reason, maybe just to eat garbage.

  10. Jerry Manderin, I remember they were running full tilt into plate glass, and into the roads. And everywhere.

    Screaming bloody murder. They got run over, busted the glass, bounced off the glass. I was riding my 2003 Triumph Bonneville Golden Jubilee in those days. It was a shit bike (by the way) but I giggled and pointed at these retards.

    Herds of ghetto rats crashing through plate glass. Because of harmless bugs.

  11. There’s been so much hype for this.
    Watch the cicadas say NOPE and quit.
    Trillions turn to billions turn to millions to… oh, a rare corona virus in cicadas, they’re all locked down, masked up and fighting for toilet paper.


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