Trump Administration Gets It Done – China Opens Doors To U.S. Rice For the First Time in History – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Gets It Done – China Opens Doors To U.S. Rice For the First Time in History


-Name 3 things the fustercluck Obama didn’t do in 8 years.


After years of posturing, the Chinese government agreed Thursday (July 20) to allow U.S. rice farmers to export their crops to the largest rice consuming nation on Earth.

An agreement was reached Wednesday (July 19) during bilateral negotiations in Washington D.C., according to the United States Department of Agriculture. China consumes as much rice as Arkansas produces every 13 days, so the impact to the Natural State could be significant, Arkansas Rice Federation Executive Director Ben Noble told Talk Business & Politics. The immediate impact to regional farmers is something they haven’t had in awhile – “hope,” he said.

“This is great news for the Arkansas rice industry. Our governor and federal delegation have shown great leadership in pressing China for market access. We look forward to working with them and the Trump administration as the technical details of this agreement are addressed,” Noble said.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the market opening could be a “significant boost” for the state’s agri industry.

“The news today announcing that the U.S. is now permitted to sell rice to China for the first time in history is a significant boost to Arkansas — the nation’s No. 1 rice producer — and our overall economy. This is an issue I’ve consistently advocated for this on my trade missions to China and in meetings with the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. I applaud Secretary Perdue and the USDA for their tireless efforts in getting this deal done. It’s a great day to be an Arkansan.”

“The president (Donald Trump) and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue have opened the door; now it’s time to move to our technical to-do list so that rice shipments can occur,” USA Rice International Trade Policy Committee Chairman Carl Brothers said. “We know China wants to send a team here to inspect mills and facilities certified to ship to China, and we’re working with USDA to make that happen in the quickest and most efficient way.”

The rice news comes a little more than a month after China said it would open up to U.S. beef. The Trump administration announced June 12 an agreement with China on final details of a protocol to allow U.S. companies to ship beef exports to China.


10 Comments on Trump Administration Gets It Done – China Opens Doors To U.S. Rice For the First Time in History

  1. “..snocones to Eskimos.” So funny! And too true.

    Beef, now rice to China. All we need is some sauce exports and they have a complete meal.

    Wilburine Ross had a come to Jesus talk publicly this week at the economics talk summit. It was a thing of beauty. I love listening to him. He’s so matter-of-fact about the plain truth — doesn’t pull a single punch, and boy! did he let China have it on the trade imbalance. So stunned, the Chinese delegation cancelled a scheduled press conference in order to regroup.

    Winning, winning and more winning!!

  2. Does CNN have a link to this story on their website? On CNN money they reported it but they poo-poo’d it at the end! 🤣

    “Despite signs of progress, the relationship remains strained. President Trump has called out Beijing for what he considers to be unfair trading practices, and he wants to reduce America’s huge trade deficit with China.
    His administration may also soon slap tariffs on Chinese shipments of steel to the U.S.”

    🖕😂🖕 CNN!!!!


    Well, I’d say either Trump is the world’s best promoter of everything that goes on in America, or he is just a badass savvy businessman.

    I think it’s about 30/70 I’d estimate.

  4. “China consumes as much rice as Arkansas produces every 13 days”
    Does rice use the soil up as much as all the corn they grow to make methanol?
    Might be an alternative crop.

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