Trump Convinces Corning To Make New Glass in the U.S., Creating Thousands of New Jobs – IOTW Report

Trump Convinces Corning To Make New Glass in the U.S., Creating Thousands of New Jobs

It’s called VALOR glass, and it’s a pharmaceutical glass that can withstand at least 1000 pounds of pressure.

How do we know that?

Because in a demonstration Trump exerted 454 kilograms of pressure on it and it didn’t break.

Afterwards there was an amusing exchange.

‘Reed Cordish from the Office of American Innovation wanted me to also inform you ‘that 1,000 pounds is about the same as a punch from a professional boxer.’

 ‘People never knew that about me,’ Trump wisecracked.

‘Some of us do,’ Cordish said.

That’s pretty funny.

Read here


15 Comments on Trump Convinces Corning To Make New Glass in the U.S., Creating Thousands of New Jobs

  1. The silica sand from my new home town is the standard test medium in geotechnical engineering. Meaning it us used to compare silica sand worldwide. It’s used for high end specialty glasses and chances are your car windshield was made using it.

    Indirectly, this Corning deal will likely help the area economically. Go Trump!

  2. True story (so many little strange coincidences this past week):

    I’m holding Corning stock from the late 90’s(?) that tanked horribly on me. Bought mid-high, skyrocketed, held too long waiting on a split..blah, blah, blah. Anyway, being too stubborn to admit the loss I held it, knowing that Corning has more money than it knows what to do with and it would eventually (maybe not in my lifetime) at least break even some day.

    My financial advisor and I met on Wednesday and we had a good laugh over my “great” Corning buy and he chided me for continuing to hold out. I told him that exciting things were happening to this economy and who knows what could happen, right?

    Yesterday I texted him this announcement about Corning’s Valor glass and sent him the link to the video. Last checked, Corning’s stock was down .02, but so was the market yesterday. Can’t wait to follow their rise. I’m all in on Corning making a splash with this innovative breakthrough. Big news! hahahah!

  3. We travel all the 48 lower states. We pass by major and small cities and the signs of a revitalized ecoois everywhere. In a contrast to how it was the last years.
    The fact that people still trying to obstruct this President just tell me that they are not really Americans.

  4. Please use that glass to make vials for insulin. I once dropped a near- full vial from 2 feet and the thing shattered like a mosaic. I cried like a baby. $200 gone instantly. I’m still sick over it.

  5. RottyLover-
    I use Novolog. It’s a short acting insulin and so far, short acting is the only thing that works for me.
    Long acting insulins don’t work on me at all. I have tried Levemir and also Lantus and actually have had some damage done by the latter.

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