Trump and Biden Rallies in Same City Shown Back to Back – IOTW Report

Trump and Biden Rallies in Same City Shown Back to Back

Ya. He got 81 million votes… And I’m dating the entire Swedish Bikini team.

I’m in the water, behind the girl second from left.

22 Comments on Trump and Biden Rallies in Same City Shown Back to Back

  1. Everyone with the IQ of a soap bubble knows Pedo Joe didn’t get 81 million votes. They know he didn’t win the election. They know the criminal commie left STOLE the election and they know they will steal as many offices in the coming election this fall as required to maintain their grasp on power. TINVOWOOT.

  2. Every single rally going forward is gonna chap the asses of the MSM like nothing else.
    Bitches will be stewing in their bunched up panties clutching their pearls screaming into the sky…


  3. Doesn’t matter.
    As long as we tolerate election fraud, corruption, deceit, and Biden’s GESTAPO (FBI) to harass, imprison, and murder patriotic Americans while protecting lickspittles and corrupt-o-crats, we will continue to descend into a fascist hellhole.

    Rallies are a great start.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Give me a dose of Cialis then go on a 36 hour marathon with that bikini team. Hubba Hubba Drool Drool. Already starting to walk funny because something’s getting in the way, thinking about the ecstasy that group would provide.

  5. It’s depressing to know they cheat so well and have wide spread propaganda media.

    On the other hand, I’m glad I’m old enough to know that dating even one of that team would be nothing but trouble.

  6. A little late to this party, but here’s what I saw:
    In the first half I saw a massive, enthusiastic crowd of God-Fearing, Law-Abiding, Over-Taxed-Paying, Common Sense Patriots who took the time out of their busy lives of family and WORKING to show their support for a real President!

    The other half of that video was a small group of dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, America-Hating Commies who couldn’t change a tire and butch-dyke females who look like Rin Tin Tin’s littermate that were paid and bussed-in to watch a Gaping Asshole who has done nothing but destroy America by deliberately throwing a monkey wrench into everything he can get his corrupt, lying, stealing, grubby little pervy hands on!

    That first group is the heartbeat of America and It’s gonna take more than a few F15s to beat ’em Jackass!

  7. It doesn’t seem to matter when you have the levers and switches of power, the media megaphone, the intelligence agencies (that can get you 6 ways to Sunday), and Soros money to pay the brown/black shirts.


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