Trump and Vance Roll Their Eyes as Leftist Pastor Lectures Them on Illegals and Trannies – IOTW Report

Trump and Vance Roll Their Eyes as Leftist Pastor Lectures Them on Illegals and Trannies

(DCNF)—President Donald Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance visibly rolled their eyes as the Episcopal bishop of Washington, Mariann Budde, lectured them on being kind to transgender people and immigrants at Tuesday’s National Prayer Service.

Budde requested that the newly sworn-in president and vice president “have mercy” on gay, lesbian and transgender people as well as illegal immigrants who are allegedly “scared” by the new administration. The new leaders did not appear amused by her lecture, with Vance repeatedly shooting looks to his wife, Second Lady Usha Vance. more

30 Comments on Trump and Vance Roll Their Eyes as Leftist Pastor Lectures Them on Illegals and Trannies

  1. Why was this leftist God hating, America hating harridan, more than like a lesbian and so-called harpy Episcopal bishop even allowed to give an invocation for the inauguration in the first place. When I went to Wash. DC in May 1992 for the National Day of Prayer, one day we visited the National Cathedral, it is a beautiful building and one of my pastor friends from Southern Idaho who could have been a doppelganger for Charlie Daniels reminded us that it was nothing but a whited sepuclcher and he was right. It’s beautiful especially on the inside with all of its wonderful stained-glass windows and icons but totally empty of the divine presence of God.

  2. The real point is that NOBODY CARES until they started shoving their agenda in our face, down our throat and up our ass! They have the same rights as everyone else until they cross that line of terrorizing others with their made up dehumanizing and discrimination in a lame attempt to fabricate a protected group!
    “We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your kids”

  3. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

    4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    2 Timothy 4:3-4

  4. Western civilization will become an open third world sewer in 30 years if we don’t kick worthless shitlibs like this dike “bishop” to the curb. Their constant sobbing over lowlifes, degenerates, and lawbreakers is a slap in the face to every civilized, educated, law-abiding person on Earth.

    And to make it worse, the shitlibs expect all the people they’re fucking over to pay for it all. It’s just disgusting how the left operates. They’re the worst kind of sanctimonious, freeloading assholes because their sense of moral superiority is completely and utterly false. Their “morals” are mostly Satanic and most certainly destructive to families, communities, and nations.

  5. …do homosexuals/lesbians ever preach Romans 1?

    “25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”
    -Romans 1:25-27

    …this would seem to suggest what they are doing is BAD, even in the NEW Testament…

  6. Makes it hard for a Bible – believing, Jesus fearing Christian (and retired pastor) want anything to do with “ecumenical” activities.

    Some even got asked to leave their churches for refusing to call such “church leaders” as colleagues!

  7. The Bible says there is a time for every purpose under Heaven. This nut obviously missed all the context of the event, as well as not being able to read the room. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong approach…it’s almost like she assumed the world revolves around her and every one else needs to get in line and behave.

  8. Homosexuals already have equal rights under our laws. What many folks are upset about are special rights granted to people who are homosexual – I, for one, don’t really want to see pornographic acts under the guise of a pride parade – but this is allowed in many progressive cities.

    If someone wants to try to change their gender through surgery, most of us really don’t care although this seems stupid and contrary to actual science. But we don’t want men masquerading as women in order to invade women’s spaces or participate in activities limited to real women. And most of us are against forcing children into mutilating their bodies through surgery and hormone treatment prior to the adult age of consent.

    We also have immigration laws that the President is supposed to enforce, although Obama and Biden refused to do so and in fact instituted policies that gutted these laws. If one disagrees with immigration laws, then petition your Congress critter to support new legislation. But pushing insane, illogical and unlawful policies that only cater to a small minority of Americans was not proper – particularly in this setting.

  9. Wyatt

    Spot on. However,
    “If someone wants to try to change their gender through surgery, most of us really don’t care ”

    That’s true, right up until I’m required to pay for it.

  10. …bear in mind that the Episcopaloan “Church” is merely the Americanized version of the Anglican “Church”, which was founded for the explicit purpose of granting Henry VIII a divorce the Roman Catholic Church refused him. He placed himself, an earthly king, at its head so no one could ever question his sinful desires from the pulpit ever again, and its been downhill ever since…

  11. If the media weren’t fake, this is how it would be reported:
    Headline: Female “bishop” of the church founded by a serial murderer to sanctify divorce lectures the president on morality.
    Story: At the cathedral where the remains of a drug dealer are enshrined in the crypt as a gay martyr, and where a stained glass window depicting confederates was removed and replaced with one exalting BLM rioters, President Trump and his family displayed a great deal of grace and restraint during the sanctimonious sermon.

    Wow. When she was discussing the dignity of every human life, she neglected to mention when human life begins. I think Trump needs to call out the ‘fake church’ along with the fake media. He could start with her haircut… Welcome to another four years of petty bullshit. This time, I intend to enjoy every moment of it. Heh.

    Actually it’s worth watching the whole thing… JD Vance is awesome! He’s working that “Really, Martha?” expression when he told Martha Raddich to listen to herself!

  12. We already “have mercy” on gay, lesbian and transgender people as well as illegal immigrants. We don’t kill them outright, do we?

  13. There is no need to tolerate being lectured to by a queer degenerate, reprobate demoniac calling itself a Christian. Unfortunately, President Trump and VP Vance had to be gracious to the Satanic bishop who has no grace.
    He really couldn’t walk out during that lunatic’s rant without getting more backlash he doesn’t need. Wish he could have selected who preached during the National Prayer Service.
    BTW, The Episcopal Church is an apostasy. Filled with doctrines that do not align with the Word of God. What an evil cult.


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