Trump at NRA convention: ‘8-year assault’ on gun rights is over – IOTW Report

Trump at NRA convention: ‘8-year assault’ on gun rights is over

On the eve of his 100th day in office, President Trump rallied a convention of the National Rifle Association by vowing to “never, ever infringe” on Second Amendment rights and declaring his predecessor’s alleged “assault” on those freedoms is over.

“I am here to deliver you good news: the eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end,” Trump told the cheering crowd.

Trump is the first sitting president to address an NRA convention in more than three decades. The last president to do so was Ronald Reagan in 1983.   MORE -FOX

6 Comments on Trump at NRA convention: ‘8-year assault’ on gun rights is over

  1. The left and the communist Antifa are quick to compare Donald Trump to Hitler at the same time Trump is supporting and endorsing the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

    They’re terrible liars, but experts at irony and hypocrisy.

  2. If Trump was actually Hitler, then the left and the antifa faggots would be bleeding out in the streets. In the 1930s Hitler sent his Brown Shirts out to anti-nazi protests to beat anyone who opposed him. When he finally came in to power, anyone who opposed him was outright shot or sent to a concentration camp.

  3. “I hope Govie Brown (Calif) gets a copy of this speech!”

    He got more than that. The NRA sued California for Gunagedon. I sold a 308 to a CalDoj guy that’s pretty high up. He’s says the attorneys for CaalDoj, whom he talks to daily, are saying that California doesn’t have a leg to stand on. The problem is it will need to go to the supreme court to get heard properly.

  4. From jellybean:”I’ve never understood why any state has the authority to disarm its people.”

    They never have. What they had was the will, and force. And that is sufficient in most every case.

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