Trump Calls Blumenthal ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe – IOTW Report

Trump Calls Blumenthal ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

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26 Comments on Trump Calls Blumenthal ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

  1. And now butt-hurt Blumie is gonna make sure that PDT can’t fire Mueller ever.

    Why is it that the only people talking about Mueller getting fired are Dems It’s almost like they get a tingle up the leg just saying it out loud.

  2. It’s rich that Blumenthal was going to usher in a sense of “credibility” into the witch hunt. 20 years of stolen valor and he thinks he’s the arbiter of what is credible?

  3. Blumenthal is a creep. Good for you Mr. President!
    The coward got five deferments and bragged about being in Vietnam.
    He deserves to be bullied and sneered at 24/7/365. Phucken creep.

  4. ☑️ QUICK SUMMARY OF LIES ☑️ if you didn’t read the article

    (2003 Bridgeport rally) “When we returned, we saw nothing like this.”

    (2004 claim) Captain of the swim team at Harvard. Records at the college show that he was never on the team.

    (2008) “I served during the Vietnam era,” he said. “I remember the taunts, the insults, sometimes even physical abuse.”

    (2008) “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam.”

    “I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the President of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me.”

    John Kerry 1986 “Christmas in Cambodia” lie.

  5. I remember 1970 like it was yesterday. I was a member of the Apollo 12 crew and we were very excited to be headed to the moon after years of tedious training.

    Oh wait. That wasn’t me. I guess I misspoke.

  6. I’d think he’s the type that lurks just outside the fence of grammar schools wearing a trenchcoat with candy in the pockets. “I lost my kitty, can you help me find it?”

  7. Hey, Dick. It’s really simple, especially for a glib SOB like you. Repeat after me: “I was in the Marine Corps Reserve during the Vietnam war and served my time here in the U.S. I was never sent to Vietnam, but I remember very well the social and political divisiveness that war caused.”

    See how easy it is? Saying “When we came back…” is a lie. It is not “misspeaking”.

  8. @uncle al

    The closest that guy ever came to combat was naked tickle fight night at a gay bath house. But, the memory gets fuzzy over time and serving in Nam was so routine and every day that he can no longer remember if he was there or not.

    The thing that really pisses me off is that the people of Connecticut elected a known serial liar who is also a thief of honor.

  9. We’re not all morons here but we are out numbered by about 2 to 1. There are a growing number of us in Connecticut who are fed up with this union controlled Democrat state. Not all of us are brain dead Lib/Commies. Many have given up trying to change things and are moving out of state taking their tax dollars with them to states that do not live and die for the support of state union workers and retirees.
    As for DICK Sue-Them-All, one of the riches members of Congress, he is a two faced liar who left so many open law suites as attorney general that the incoming attorney general had to dismiss many of them were what would be considered frivolous by most standards. He was/is the typical ambulance chaser but with the power of the state government to back him up.
    What ever you do, don’t get between him and a TV camera. And if he ever stops short, our other worthless Senator,Chris Murphy will have to be removed from DICK’s butt.

  10. I find it incredible and sickly amusing that so many who claim to have been in Vietnam used every method known to avoid entering the service at that time.

    Some now even stating, I “would have”, but I had a high draft number, I “could have” but I was in college, I “should have”, I “wish” I had…. but….

    And many of us who returned tried our best to fit into a society that abhorred our service without drawing attention to the fact we had been gone for a year or more and served in VN.

    Sickly amusing and fully disgusting to see the wannabe’s and shoulda beens claim what they never earned.

    In my humble opinion Blumenthal is lying POS and unworthy to represent his state or this nation.
    Obviously, the majority of Connecticut voters think otherwise.

    Connecticut, wear your shame as proudly as the posers wear their phony medals and tell their lies to people who can’t tell the difference. Bullshit.

  11. @cato – I ended up enlisting in 1969 for a three-year hitch, but I was initially sent that “Greeting” letter from the SSS. When I went for my pre-induction physical, I tried to tell them they really ought not to take me because I was a flat-footed, blind in one eye, dope-smoking, bed-wetting, commie anarchist. The doc looked at me, smiled, said, “We’ll straighten your ass right out” an stamped my paperwork APPROVED. (-:

  12. Spot on CATO.

    That these worthless POS’s use combat experience in RVN to further their careers makes me furious. That some claimed deferments doesn’t bother me. They used the system. But the ones who refused to serve and THEN denigrated those of us who did deserve a special place in hell. A lot of good people did serve (drafted & volunteered) and can claim that mantle proudly. People like Kerry, little dick, and the other scumbags of their ilk should be given shit-burning detail in leu of the pearly gates.

  13. How timely. I just received a solicitation from the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation today looking for donors to buy bricks. I’m getting one for father-in-law. 1958-1978
    But since the Marines need the money to expand maybe I should get one for Blumey.
    Sen. Richard Blumenthal. I wasn’t there.

  14. Uncle Al, I enlisted 1969, too.
    While being processed in Cincinnati, I was scared I wouldn’t make the cut.

    Then arrived in San Diego, MCRD, standing on the yellow foot prints with this big green nasty son-of bitch yelling incoherent orders in my ears, thinking, what “F” did I do.

    Less than one year later I was in Vietnam for 22 1/2 months with Sub Unit 1, 1st ANGLICO (Air, Naval Gunfire Liaison Company), assigned to several US Army Brigades, Special Forces and Regiments & Australians & ARVNs.

    Saving $300 to have a brick placed for my Dad, a WWII pacific combat vet who passed 10 years ago.

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