Trump Calls For Tougher Republican Response To ‘Political War’ – IOTW Report

Trump Calls For Tougher Republican Response To ‘Political War’

Federalist: In an Oval Office interview with The Federalist’s Ben Domenech, President Trump calls on Republicans to stand strong and unite against lawlessness.

n a wide-ranging interview in the Oval Office Friday, President Donald J. Trump said that the country is in the midst of “a political war … where the left will use anything to win, including the culture.”

The president said that to restore order and win in 2020, his Republican allies “need to be stronger” in standing up to rioters and those who would tear down statues. “They’ve got to get much tougher,” Trump said, drawing comparisons to moments when Republicans stood together on impeachment and in battles over judicial nominees. “They have to be stronger, have to come together,” or risk losing politically and worse.

While acknowledging the “horrible” scene that played out in Minnesota with the death of George Floyd, Trump argued that the Floyd-related protest movement has since morphed into an “anti-cop, defund the police, anti-American” movement that puts American communities at risk.

“Police never get the credit they deserve by politicians, who are being weak,” Trump said, positing that fear of criticizing the excesses of rioters and violent protesters is driven by political correctness and the danger of being called “racist.”

Trump referred to the Black Lives Matter political organization as having an “extremist” agenda and criticized New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for wanting to close Fifth Avenue to paint the group’s titular slogan on the street.

“Republicans need to be fighting,” Trump said, citing the ideology of the more radical agitators in the streets as “vicious” and “seditious.” As the president recognizes, the goals of those sowing the seeds of unrest are clear. “You see their leaders on TV saying ‘give us what we want, or we’ll burn down this system and replace it.’ That’s almost terrorism.” more here

15 Comments on Trump Calls For Tougher Republican Response To ‘Political War’

  1. Good luck with that Mr. President. We, their constituents, have been beseeching Republicans to fight for this country against Democrat tyranny for a long time now, with no results.

    It’s almost as if Republicans are in cahoots with Democrats, Mr. President.

  2. If you don’t show up to challenge them, kicck, throw rocks and fists, there is no fear and no blow-back to their actions.

    Show up right-wing, or let the left just intimidate and take over everything.

  3. Good luck President Trump. You’ve got Tom Cotton, Jim Jordan and a couple others. You need a House full of Laura Loomers and a Senate full of Josh Hawleys and you ain’t got anywhere near that.

    Most of the Senate are cut from the Cory Gardener mold, you could wait till your hair turned white to see him on the Capitol steps calling out BLM. He might actually lose to Hickenlooper this Nov, what a freaking disaster.

    You’ve got the resources to arrest the leaders of BLM and declare their organization a domestic terror threat, that’d stop the river of cash. Get your DOJ to find these people instead of sending 15 agents to Talledaga to investigate a garage door pull down.

  4. If Kentucky can’t even primary Mitch out, how is anything going to change? The swamp continues to be alive and well in DC, I wish you prayers and good luck President Trump because you are going to need it.

  5. Mitch is way too powerful in KY to be primaried out. His opponent didn’t come with in a million miles. Mitch has been in there too long and done too many people a shitload of favors. Fact is, he’s there as long as he wants to be.

    The Framers didn’t miss much but they missed the boat on term limits.

  6. As Scooby Doo would say: rots a ruck

    Most of the establishment Republicans despise you, us and the Constitution of The United States Mr President.

    They are self serving pieces of shit and closet progressives and have to be watched like a hawk and dragged kicking and screaming to do what they promised when running for office or for re-election.

    They will dry shave you any time and every time they think they can get away with it.

    I guess it is worth trying though. But they are so far beneath contempt that even shaming them into respectability is problematic though

  7. One of my favorite classic films is “Colonel Effingham’s Raid” (Charles Coburn in the title role). The Colonel returns to his southern hometown to discover the corruption that has taken over in town hall.

    In an effort to preserve the historic town hall building from destruction by the mayor and his cronies who stand to profit from building a new one, Effingham makes this statement to his nephew, a reporter on one of the town’s newspapers, regarding the true responsibility of government: “It wouldn’t surprise me at all Albert, but I don’t see why our biggest and most important project, the administration of government, should be handed over, lock, stock and barrel, to a bunch of incompetents.”

    (Albert): “Somebody has to run the government. The citizens won’t do it. If it weren’t for the Home Folks Party, there wouldn’t be any government at all.”

    (Col. Effingham): “Is it your impression, Albert, that these people are acting as trustees until such time as the citizens come of age and can take over the government themselves?”

    I’m reading a lot of carping here about someone not doing something. Are you all under the impression that these people are acting as trustees until such time as you come of age and take over the responsibilities of self-government?

  8. Unfortunately testicular fortitude isn’t the repubs strong suit.
    I haven’t forgotten their lack of response to obama’s shenanigans, and see no real improvement since.


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